Think of this situation with electricity, it's not feasible to run power line to your house in the middle of nowhere if you don't use electricity already and would start out by maybe a couple of little lights and a TV. He just aren't consuming that much electricity, so purchases wouldn't pay for the infrastructure cost. 10 years later you've got washer and dryer and maybe electric water heater and this and that, and you're using a lot more electricity. Then at that point providing service to you becomes feasible, because you're buying more
It's kind of the same thing with starlink. There are so many people underserved and that do not use the internet much, but they will as access and cost to that data decreases thanks to Starlink. And when your usage increases then your consumption is such that doing a point-to-point wireless link to you or something like that becomes more economically viable. When you have that, then you're not going to need starlink anymore. And you're going to really appreciate the lower latency and higher bandwidth with those than what you get with starlink.