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This was a passion project for me, i hope you enjoy it. I am not affiliated with anyone mentioned here and my only benefit is a better Bitcoin.
Dramatis personae:
Hari Seldon Empire. The Mule. Bitcoin. Paul Sztorc (Pronunciation) Bitcoin Maximalist’s DriveChain


We describe parallels between real-life Paul Sztorc, DriveChain, LayerTwoLabs, Hari Seldon, Empire and the Foundation from the book series by Isaac Asimov and the TV series based on it.
A humble servant of Empire (Toxic Bitcoin Maxi’s) discovers a troubling truth using his skills in Psychohistory (Statistics). He announces the inevitable collapse ( or potential for a collapse in Paul’s case) of galactic civilization. Hari then gathers resources to build a refuge that can out-last and shorten the dark age, called the Foundation (DriveChain/LayerTwoLabs). Hari Seldons actions and alarm invoke the dismissive contempt and wrath of outsized egos and institutional personalities (Bitcoin Twitter). A few sympathizers from within the existing infrastructure see the potential and do what they can for this new project despite the hostility, all in an attempt to save the galaxy from a deep prolonged darkness and ignorance. What no one anticipates is the Wildcard, Chaos, the unplanned variable, the Mule, which for Bitcoin very well could be technological or social innovations that fracture the core worlds of an ossified and comfortable Bitcoin Core.
TLDR; at the end of page.

The Situation:

Through spooky action at a distance, memes and institutional inertia and incomplete heuristics, the Bitcoin echo chamber resembles the ossified Empire and Core worlds found in Foundation. Having survived the block size wars, the crypto wars, countless FUDs and boring shitcoin battles, whales and small investors alike sit idle, happy, waiting for the programmed demolition of the global financial system to roll along with only minor improvements along the way to Bitcoin. Riding in the back seat to every bitcoin argument online, like a creepy unwashed incel surrounded by bimbos, is the assumption that Lightning will eventually give one all the functionality one could want from a peer to peer money system, if given the time. Inflation will go up, central banks will go mad with power and money printing, while Bitcoin reigns supreme through it all. Pitching competing planets (countries) against eachother, Empire and Bitcoin will wait for all challenger shitcoins to burn themselves out.
Toxic Maxi’s when the 800th shitcoin DeFi ICO approaches them.
Through statistical and social analysis, Hari Seldon, Paul Sztorc, recognizes a problem in this logic, and further, develops a series of "Foundation" like software projects ending up with its current incarnation as LayerTwoLabs. Based on rationale strongly resembling the fictional science of psychohistory, this "Foundation" creates enclaves, networks and tools to save civilization from a long darkness. In our case, digital enslavement and the slow moving behemoth of Empire who itself is fighting a million little cuts on the periphery of its power. Like Hari, Paul does not interview well. Whether it’s his vocal delivery which drips sharp sarcasm and little patience for fools who have not done their research or pretend at understanding the topic, or the self-assured righteousness of the mission he is on, it can be intimidating. Like Hari Seldon, it can put off Empire and those who listen to podcasts and lectures for the quality of tone and the amicable small-talk of participants rather than the ideas or truth being discussed. Those in the comforting echo chamber of Bitcoin back-patting that is both Bitcoin Twitter and Crypto Youtube, are not trained to listen to ideas seperated from their presentation. With dessenting shitcoins on the outer-rim biting at the heels of core world developer talent, funding and social goodwill toward digital commodities, CBDC's and state terrorist carry out unbanking and canceling attacks to intimidate political dissenters and neutral coders alike. The beast is thrashing about. The intersection between the comfortable core worlds, stable coins, Venture Capital and government attempt to shine brighter than the rot around us. We ignore Drive Chains and Paul Sztorc, Hari Seldon, at our peril.
Paul Sztorc trying to explain that there is a better way, during the block size wars.

What is DriveChain in increasing orders of complexity ?:

In 1 Sentence:

In 3 Sentences:

An insurance against potential future innovations that might threaten the historic rationale of Bitcoin. This innovation could be assimilated into the Bitcoin ecosystem without a hard fork or splitting the community and developer efforts in a competing and hostile infrastructure, the way shitcoins do today. Enabling a two-way peg with Bitcoin, while experimenting with credible community driven projects and self-directed investments on L2.

In a List:

We cannot know what or when a future innovation might threaten Bitcoin. We only know one will. Some suspect it might be anything from Quantum computing and everything up to and including Aliens bestowing information theory breaking FTL technology upon us. What we can say with some certainty is;
  1. Someday something better than Bitcoin will come along. Whatever it is will follow the laws of physics, meaning beating Bitcoins POW will be hard to beat.
  2. No one thing can be all things to all people. Individual Choice is best.
  3. Desirable things to some people, are presently available in separate infrastructures that are not easily integrated into Bitcoin as is (non-custodial default privacy of Monero, the resource lightness of MinbleWimble.)
  4. People in Bitcoin do not want those things.
  5. A future innovative threat to Bitcoin will likely be dismissed by these same people in the contemporary environment of fanatic maximalism tired of all the shitcoins (I know I’m tired of shitcoins).
  6. A future innovation that threatens Bitcoin arising in any period before DriveChain adoption risks further splintering development efforts within Bitcoin, from skilled developers who are within Bitcoin the way Vitalik found no home and started his own.
  7. Using technology already in Bitcoin Core, Merged Mining, a superior outcome than the preceding can be achieved using DriveChain.
See Note 2
I don’t like vanilla icecream, therefore no one should like vanilla icecream. -Maxi’s, probably

Some ossification is good, too much is bad.

Slow, soft Bitcoin forks are a good thing. It’s what’s happening now. It’s what one wants in one’s money. The shape and quality of silver dollars, gold and even the once gold backed fiat remained for hundreds of years. They were useful physical forks of gold ingot and ore, convenient media for transportation and novel uses of value across time. Bitcoin cores sheepish priesthood has successfully navigated the storms of the block size wars and other mean tweet brigades. For Bitcoin to scale and hyperbitcoinize however, according to Empire (you Maxi’s), Bitcoin will have to get faster and better through layer two projects like lightning and be given the time to do so. It has to do all this while competing with both human low friction preference, disinterest and state backed “solutions” for the very problems it created ( more accurately, created by individuals, boomers, who allowed these abuses to happen).
Boomer Gold-bug telling Maxi’s Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, and anyone can just copy and paste new Bitcoin.
The Rube Goldberg Machine of Austrian Economics, Fiat failure and Institutional incompetence spinning around in a playground of apocalypse needed to make Bitcoin “hyper” is not guaranteed to happen before the State unseats Bitcoin or “something” better comes along. Maxi’s suffer from a tragic complex of “fait accompli” and disconnection from real human behavior at scale. The Super-State or its successor could find some innovation in the period between slow collapse and Bitcoin mass adoption, enforce it at gunpoint and snuff out Core as we know it, well before Lighting is anywhere near usable to the average person ( it's really nowhere near usable now, in real and complicated transaction situations, sorry plebs) the way alternatives are usable right now. By contrast with bitcoin or lightning Monero is extremely usable in time sensitive and complex trustless/non-custodial interactions. Private by default, stable and low fee. It and its wallet clients “just work”. It's the Apple Pay of digital peer to peer exhange, at the moment (2023). DriveChain can implement these advantages with a Monero token, with all the technology, benefits and ease of use found therein, on top of Bitcoin. Zcash and Eth already have their own “Drive Tokens” and demonstrate this useful feature of DriveChain, the merging good ideas.
The world telling Empire they just want Apple pay.

The Mule

In Asimov’s Foundation, The Mule is a powerful psychic antagonist that emerges out of nowhere and beyond the calculations of psychohistory or the plans of Hari Seldons Foundation. The Mule stands in for that unforeseen factor and quality that undoes the plans of mice and men. We’ve done our economic homework, we are well read austrians and ancaps, liberty minded folk. But what about our “Mule” what force might arise that otherwise could have been embraced, welcomed and integrated, but instead will undo the immaculate conception never to be repeated of Bitcoin? A case could be made that because of the Foundation and the precautions championed by Hari Seldon, civilization did much better than it would have, had the Mule arisen without a Foundation to challenge him. We cannot completely anticipate what future wildcard technology or even person and their movement might arise to challenge Bitcoin. We can however, create what Paul calls a “lifeboat” and embrace a new way of thinking about Bitcoin.
The Mule wants you to buy his shitcoin, it’s going to #Moon, for real for real #GangGang, No cap.

We don’t have time

Bitcoin and the Bitcoin Community, that is, influencers, influential voices, developers and conferences are being studied by its enemies. Its enemies are methodical, well funded and patient. You may believe what we have seen so far are successes in favor of Bitcoin and evidence for its resilience, however we have not yet really seen what a system in decline really looks like. Few but hunters and farmers know the violent struggle and death cries of a living animal in its last moments. It’s not China’s bans, It’s not India’s censure, its not even a question of what the U.S will do. There exist social structures that have dictated , assimilated and responded to civilization disrupting technologies with a unified coordination going back generations. From the printing press to electricity to the internet itself, it seeks control at all cost. The response from the State has been relatively silent compared to other technologies, almost coy. The happy compromise, balance and adjustments we have made in modern times between these forces, technology, power structures, commercial interest and even unconscious things like our biological in-group preferences (racism) or tribalism, are the outcome of decades, centuries of bloody struggle and wasted life. The worst and best lies ahead. None of these innovations, the printing press or electricity, succeeded by ossifying the initial form it was discovered in and leaving future adjustments to be directed by a core priesthood of conservative pull request hoarders, scared of mean tweets. No, an explosion of new machines, standards and designs spilled out from a few core rules and principals once discovered. Bitcoin can be the substrate for this future-proofing and anti-fragile innovation rather than one day becoming, “that coin we used to use before X”. To die on the ideological the hill that nothing will improve upon Bitcoin is to simultaneously claim omniscience and ignorance of history.

The Tao. The Way, and accepting Bitcoin’s ultimate fate.

A common reflex response, for the most part grounded in reality, by Maxi’s to the long years of boring proposals for Bitcoin alternatives by shitcoin peddlers is that they do not offer any real improvements on Bitcoin or that the authors do not understand Bitcoin enough. When it comes to DriveChain the obverse is perversely true. The authors of such critiques towards it, often do not understand DriveChain. Bitcoin has one trick that can’t be duplicated, first on the scene, early adopter, The Hipster of Crypto. Lindy liquidity, and it’s getting old. First responders at a crash scene give way to doctors in hospitals, Diva’s hit the wall and age out, knees pop on Basketball players. This is the way of the world, the fire we did not start. A positive transition can happen, with love and patience, it can bind the future and past through this transition by way of integration. DriveChain is logical.
USDT the day after BRICS launches a gold backed currency. Bitcoin is offscreen.
The Empire is collapsing at the fringes, it may crumble. The real Empire, the Pax Americana. God save us. The sharp chord, a string of military failures. Over leveraged debt and inflating bust cycles. Economic revolts by newly emboldened polities on the fringes of the known universe (BRICS). It rhymes with history. If the Bitcoin experiment does not or cannot create a better product desperately soon, with an easier, faster, lighter, onboarding in the way DriveChain can enable, and do so in the vital near future, CBDC's or some other low effort solution will. It will be the solution most will flock to, those who could otherwise have been Bitcoiners. It’s happened before, with Ethereum. It can happen again. If that or some other digitized fiat succeeds and Bitcoin does not win; It's game over for the galaxy. Forever.

Note 2: Imagine if one month after Vitaliks Ethereum was launched, a drivechain token like the EthDrive (that exists now, years of drama too late), had been launched. How many lost billions would still be in the Bitcoin ecosystem ? How many rug pulls and FTX victims would have been spared if the Bitcoin Community could have set aside their differences and been able to say to ETH “We can do that but better and safer”. As it is, countless dev man hours have been wasted on what is now a Piece of Shit money by decree. DC can act as a Vaccine (in the traditional pre-covid sense) against present and future infection of “crypto”. Like favorable temperatures and easily accessible resources found in pre-history. DriveChain creates the environment for a Cambrian explosion of competing experiments, within and backed by Bitcoin. The misallocated resources wasted by state subsidized (in a lowinterest rate environment) venture capital investments in scammy "crypto", can give way to valuable innovations with skin-in-the-game and market discipline for bad ideas. No need for or ability to ICO, rug pull or pump and dump, one can see bad actors months ahead of time. Genuinely useful projects get support directly by the Bitcoin community, 1:1 pegged to a DriveChain token or service, ShitTokens (say that ten times fast) have their users withdraw and kill it.
I am still working my way through this. I disagree with some of your points, but I want to tell you that I'm impressed with the time and effort you put into this.
Is this the first place you posted it?
How long have you been working on this?
Thanks, it is the first place. Hope to get feedback for sure. It took me ~24 hours accross three days, and there's still some rough edges !
This was great. Esoteric in the sense it's mostly the bitcoin Opus Dei who would understand the Drivechain/Sztorc drama. I enjoyed the parallels here using Foundation.
You said:
An insurance against potential future innovations that might threaten the historic rationale of Bitcoin.
I've always believed that the innovation is decentralized money, and the radical idea is separating money from state. In bitcoin years, Drivechain is ancient (2014 or so), which predates most crypto, where we got to watch all the problems it doesn't solve, how it doesn't work, faux innovation, spectacular blowups, and MEV, while stablecoins and derivatives capitalized protocols with blinding speed. What does Drivechain solve? It's like an enormous naval port for Galactic Empire shitcoins to dock and party using the Foundation's (bitcoin's) liquidity. Drivechain merge mining isn't like the merge mining of Doge/Litecoin.
I see an increase in mining centralization, perverted mining incentives, and the costs of L1 transactions mooning, pricing the populace out of the bearer assurances of L1. The more successful it is, the faster the latter happen. It's like people are racing to get L1 fees to a 2050 level 30 years early. This is one of the reasons a state channel L2 (Lightning) was embraced, it's why there's so much hype around ARK.
I'm not sure what doom Cleon Sztorc and his Empire have sold you on the security budget, or promises about privacy, but Drivechain is really outdated.
They decorate it with new words that make it seem like Bitcoiners are fossils, but that's it, it's exactly the same garbage that was proposed back before there was hardly even one fork.
If any of this crap worked, it wouldn't need rhetoric and aspersions like "xenophobic" "fear of the future" and other straight up ad hominems like his screed contained.
The most laughable is comparing the bitcoin maxi die hards to an establishment with special privileges and a hierarchy.
Gimme a break.
And it's a conspiracy theory, by comparison, to ask "ok, what about Building Seven?" There is ZERO evidence that anyone in bitcoin has special privileges, or makes dirty deals, who isn't part of this campaign to "improve" bitcoin into little federations that these wannabe cult leaders get special privileges of dictating the emission rate.
None of these people even demonstrate an understanding of what a Distributed System actually is, or the CAP theorem and why you can't have all 3 features at once. Hell, even vitalik points out that you have to make engineering trade offs, and that decentralisation, and censorship resistance, and neutrality, all go out the window when the price of running a node goes too far beyond the reach of those who would want to.
bitcoin maxi die hards to an establishment with special privileges and a hierarchy.
Less people than i trust to fix mainline leak, have commit keys. That's been fine and can continue to be fine, but that's a hierarchy. The emperor wears no clothes
who isn't part of this campaign to "improve" bitcoin into little federations that these wannabe cult leaders get special privileges of dictating the emission rate.
Serious question. Are you drunk on this Sunday evening ? If so, maybe come back in a few days ? I never talk about emission rates, and a DC soft fork would not imply one.
None of these people even demonstrate an understanding of what a Distributed System actually is, or the CAP theorem and why you can't have all 3 features at once.
DC does not change anything about the current dynamic of CAP as it is, wtf are you on ?
You are conflating the lack of a consensus in your favour with you being excluded from a club. You are not considering what this group values and why they don't want another stupid shitcoin project.
I am proudly 1 month sober and never going back after starting to develop Wernicke-Korsakoff, severe B1 deficiency.
I doubt you really understand what CAP really means, or what Bitcoin is in terms of it. It's a strongly probabalistically consistent distributed system. After 6 blocks, basically immutable. 51% attack is its weak partition resistance. It solves this problem with proof of work, which makes Availability bitcoin's second stronger CAP parameter. It would be called "weak availability" in the literature, I'd be willing to bet searching that term will dig up systems that have this intermediate level of latency and transaction clearance latency.
Bigblockers and drivechains both are focusing on increasing availability, but in order to do this, the cost of running nodes has to go up, and the chances of that 51% attack becoming possible increases, because fewer hands control the replicas of the ledger, and the implementations that enforce the protocol.
Doesn't matter what magic fancy words you use, xenophobia, fear of the future.
You wouldn't say a person was xenophobic for hitting the brakes when a large object looms in the path of a car. Nether is it xenophobic for people who understand the engineering of distributed systems who are getting quite tired of hearing the same old crap, slathered with new hot button words intended to shut down debate.
Congratulation on your one month. Every day is a win.
because fewer hands control the replicas of the ledger, and the implementations that enforce the protocol.
replica of what ledger ?
I'm going to assume the misunderstanding here is that you think drivechain wants to replicate the entire bitcoin network as a token. This is not the case.
If you mean the other possible use those words; replication of a non-bitcoin ledger for a shitcoin such as ethereum, as a token on drivechain: than that is up to the participants in that token, user choice, they get to decide what they want to do and what trade offs they are looking for in a token project that is pegged 1:1 to Bitcoin and for which they can exit from at anytime or within months depending on the method used. The risk is their to take, is not a risk to the bitcoin network as a whole and is not yours or any dev choice to make.
You do not understand DriveChain. This is not entirely your fault, the info about it is spread accross 10 years and about 5 different websites as it has improved.
DriveChain (also called a sidechain) is already deployed in one pseudo incarnation with the Liquid Network. With no ill effect on the network security or chaing its relationship with miners. Where Liquid is closed and custodial, DriveChain is open and "custodial". Custodial in the sense that you are buying in to a Drivechain token or project with the expectation and ability to buyout.
replica of what ledger ?
If you don't even know what the word "replica" or the meaning of the word "ledger" is how did you come to the conclusion you knew anything about the CAP theorem?
Bitcoin, and all its would be copycats, use a global broadcast model, and a global state.
10 minute blocks was chosen because of the physical limitations of the internet.
Increasing throughput, and reducing latency, by necessity progressively exclude more and more possible nodes on the network due just to propagation delay. The tradeoff does not make a more useful network system.
If you want to do fiat finance protocols, go work for fiat finance. Global broadcast model is not something that any fiat money network does. They are all peer to peer, franchise based, small networks with very tight parameters.
Otherwise, if you understood the distinction between global and peer to peer state, then you would see that Lightning is the only way to solve the scalability problem, or something a lot like it. Something that gives you partition resistance, because the network is virtual (addresses are not tied to space or time, only a number) this means that Lightning does not have to be strong against partitioning, because it only operates with mostly fully 6 confirmations old transactions, for most of the lifespan of a channel.
And I have been studying this for some time, and my first instinct when I saw bitcoin was "this might be a way for making a monetised Tor style network". What you build on top of L2 like LN is applications and data transport systems, and you leverage the Consistent, and now also Partition Resistant milliSats to prevent the enemy of Availability - spam and sybil attacks, from shutting down the network. As well as reducing the intelligence gathering required for a 5$ wrench attack.
Drivechains, like all shitcoin ideas, ignores the fact that Bitcoin already is in the Goldilocks zone of distributed systems design for its express purpose: an immutable, and trustworthy monetary ledger that no entity, even States, cannot censor it, let alone craft false transactions that suit their purposes.
Anything ARK can do, DC can implement. That's why.
The only downside is that Ark require users to come online and "refresh" their coins every few weeks, otherwise the ASP can sweep the funds.
Custodial. A.K.A trust me bro
An improvement on lightning, by virtue of not needing liquidity to set up a channel. ARK is in early early development, meanwhile Monero is Live, now in a hostile environment making it stronger, private and non-custodial every day. We could have everything in monero, on bitcoin, without all the overhead needed to invest time in ARK and keep it running once it's live. Coming online every so often.
Bitcoiners keep reinventing the wheel.
Nobody uses Monero, not even most criminals who require its privacy. Consider that over 90% of all darkweb marketplace volume is in BTC. Most ransomware ransoms are bitcoin. BTC is used as a leg in most crypto laundering schemes, and in most Monero swaps when an XMR holder needs to acquire fiat. BTC's various privacy tools are plenty good—for those that actually use them. Also, anonymity doesn't mean anything when you order from Amazon or Pizza Hut and have to provide a shipping address. It's meaningless when you pay car insurance, a utility, or medical bill.
Blockchain forensics grossly overestimate their abilities to "deanonymize" transactions so they can sell their forensic vaporware to governments. And if a person doesn't ultimately use a CEX, there's nothing to be done without expending enormous resources for discovery and a conviction. And as the protocol acquires more and more global users, the data set spikes, and the price and difficuty of the unmasking becomes almost unmanageable, unless you're hunting Bin Laden or El Chapo.
With the layered bitcoin network, the many DEXs servicing both layers, coinjoins, submarine swaps, etc, bitcoin doesn't need a cumbersome Drivechain fork for privacy.
BTC's various privacy tools are plenty good—for those that actually use them.
They all require trusting in and giving your money to a third party. The succesful use of these is far more skill intensive and prone to error than base layer monero transaction.
cumbersome Drivechain fork for privacy.
Calling DC cumbersome and not coinjoins, submarine swaps, and lightning is silly Lightning is abosolute shit. Stacker new is the best implementation i have seen, and that's only because it works with Tor, which many browser and wallets do not work with by default.
The need for initial liquidity to use lightning is an absolute dead end.
Once again your language and outlook are Authoritarian Empire. You and other maxi's get to decide what everyone must want, Vanilla icecream. This alone side steps the basic Austrian principals that Bitcoin has always been about. DC allows for market choice, for people who want other things. Are you even capable of acknowledging that people can have very good, logical and sound reasons for these other things.
As far as your other claims about market and ransomware, would love to see some data and lists. All i've seen are monero only for both.
Wow. How long did it take to do this.
I have read some more. Your general premise is that "something better than bitcoin" will show up sooner or later. This reminds me of the sensibility that inspired the first altcoins. You ignore the one thing about bitcoin that can't be replicated or improved upon- For lack of a better term its immaculate conception. It was first, it was decentralized, and it grew without an organization or company. You can say it was an accident of history. All this supposed improved function, enhanced privacy ( your monero obsession again), fear of quantum computing, etc are meaningless. They all can be solved. You can't recreate bitcoin's creation.
Again. I enjoyed the article and I will reread it. This is what I have so far.
Satoshi didn't make the list yet?
I hope you understand that the word "ossified" is a psychological attack on bitcoin's by necessity conservative design.
It's the same garbage as big blocks.
The whole basis of this thing is that "bitcoin can't process enough transactions". Have you all been living under a rock the last 5 years never heard of Lightning? Or even used it?
It doesn't need a token. It's clearing more payments now than the chain, by a degree of magnitude, at least. It not only achieves throughput but it's pretty private too, when compared to broadcast based chain transactions.
Before you race to change the chain, maybe you should consider learning how Lightning works and why it doesn't need a goddamn TOKEN and why you don't need speculative assets on a ledger that holds the most inelastic supply of money ever seen by humanity.
Ethereum as a system is so delicate it needs constant massage by its ponzi operators, talking about it like it has any credibility is pretty hilarious. It has hard forked more times than most people do their laundry in their whole life.
It is absolutely laughable that you think that calling Bitcoiners who don't want stupid speculative assets on a simple money ledger racists. Literally saying we are xenophobic.
I mean, by all means, continue with your nonsense crusade. You don't get what Bitcoin is about and thankfully enough people do, and won't upgrade to support unnecessary features that just complicate and degrade the reliability of a perfectly good system.
Did you even read what i wrote ?
I hope you understand that the word "ossified" is a psychological attack on bitcoin's by necessity conservative design.
I literally said some ossification is good, i am aware of this and i am not using it in the BSV or bitcoin cash sense.
The whole basis of this thing is that "bitcoin can't process enough transactions".
Now i know you did not read my article. That is not my argument AT ALL.
of Lightning? Or even used it?
NOT RELEVANT. YES I HAVE. I mention it in the article which i suggest you read before commenting. It's clumsy and not user friendly. It's also requires custody. Several downsides.
It doesn't need a token.
My article is not about needing a token. Are you lost ?
Lightning works and why it doesn't need a goddamn TOKEN and why you don't need speculative assets on a ledger that holds the most inelastic supply of money ever seen by humanity.
You are literaly the caricature of Empire i'm outlining in the article.
Ethereum as a system is so delicate it needs constant massage by its ponzi operators, talking about it like it has any credibility is pretty hilarious. It has hard forked more times than most people do their laundry in their whole life.
I refer several times to it as a shitcoin. A shitcoin with a lot of capital and goodwill that could have been in Bitcoin. We are losing Bitcoiners to their bad experiences with ETH because A drivechain version is not live pointing at that WE can do the same things IT can do, if we wanted (which most don't).
and won't upgrade to support unnecessary features that just complicate and degrade the reliability of a perfectly good system.
You do not understand market choice and the innovations it drives. Some people want features some do not. DriveChain creates an environment for the hidden hand of the market to create things we can't even imagine, without compromising bitcoin. It's not perfectly good, or we wouldn't need to keep doing upgrades and softforks. If your confidence in that statement is anything less than 100%, and it should be or you don't understand software, then you are a DriveChain supporter and just don't know it. If you enjoy a type of tomato sauce your wife/partner or sibling does not enjoy, you support DriveChain, and don't know it yet.
This was awesome -- congrats on a beautiful proof of work.
It's interesting to me that the market is clearly revealing preferences -- people want certain things they're not getting in btc. A lot of bitcoiners, by definition, think that anything that is wanted that's not already btc is illegitimate. And yet, people's revealed preferences continue to be revealed.
As Milton Friedman said once (paraphrasing): eventually everything breaks, and then for the next thing people grab the ideas that are lying around. It will be interesting to see what pieces get picked up when btc breaks (probably when emission halves twice more). Even though it's a thankless job, working on these ideas / discussing them even when all you get is abuse is still worth doing, so thanks for putting in the effort.
This is an amazing piece, I won't go into what I didn't like about it since I don't support everything here and in other things I'm ignorant, but this needs to be read.
I would love to highlight the picture on the TLDR. I'm not a fan of shitcoins on Bitcoin but I do support the stance against most core devs doing nothing, most of their work is focused on pure cryptography but they don't do what the market is asking of them, if they did there would be more work put on cryptography just because of the quantity of people who would like to make the whole thing better.
Please do, and thanks !
'xenophobic' lol
when you don't get your own way, call them racist!
Xenophobia is not just about race, it's about the "other" or strangers. Bitcoiner Maxi's do not want people in Bitcoin that may be interested in other things that can be done with it but will not harm it.
It;s not my term or one i would use, but is somewhat descriptive
Monero has no fees because no one uses it. Don't be that guy.
lowfees, no one said no fees. Tons of people use it . Learn more. try it. It's the best experience i've had trying to be annonymous. From onboarding to daily use, default privacy, No need for special tools or running 2nd layer networks.
don't be that guy.