This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
About a decade ago, Microsoft was in control of the majority of the OS in the world.
A few year ago though, Google took over with Android, and now they have control of almost half of all personal devices in the world:
A decade is a lifetime in technology.
I wonder what's going to happen in the next one.
Happy national orgasm day. Hope it’s pleasurable.
Monday! back to work. Engineer working on CashApp lightning with @MichaelRihani Lmk how it's working!
Back to work, but listening to Bitcoin podcasts on my lunchtime run!
Hi everyone, good morning and happy Monday, after a great weekend to be recharged it's time to start the week with some good vibes and be ready to give it our best, I know sometimes it feels like giving it our all there is no change, no fret, some things need time and patience for them to happen, just keep your eye in the goal, start with small changes to accomplish a big one, sometimes we need to analyze if what we do is working and we need to try a different approach if it's not, you've got this, think of all the moments that we thought were impossible to surpass and yet here we are, standing. So, I wish you a phenomenal day, filled with success. Be well my friend and stay frosty.
Today's gonna be the day I dive deep into the basics of Docker...I've used Docker to run some containers on my Raspberry Pi but I never really understood what I was doing.
Thinking about online communities, and the ingredients it takes for them to thrive, especially how social incentives can be cultivated along with economic incentives.
Reflecting on exponential public debt growth and trying to figure out when the central banks loosing their nerves like the BoJ this night.
Hopefully not too soon. Lets get much of the world some sats first before the price runs away.
99,5% are typical NPCs - they admire their overloards and tyrants. They will be crossing one by one after losing enough
crossing my fingers that today isn't so bad at my return to work today
the pills seem to be working. i made it through the day without throwing up or experiencing severe discomfort.
Day 107 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Snail is here… no need to check price