Organic Maps is brilliant. I like that you can export and import your places, and that you can have multiple sets of place, plus offline everything, and it's so nice to not have any tracking or ads. I use it almost daily. I like the ability to route from and to any two points, independent of where you are.
I can also add:
  • LibreOffice Viewer which allows you to open any Microsoft Office document (excel, word, etc). It's handy when someone emails you one of those and you need to have a quick look on the phone.
  • Aegis is a great open source authenticator.
  • Voice. Audiobook player
  • Vynil, music player
  • VLC. Video player
  • RHVoice. Voice synthesizer (so that other apps can "talk")
  • AntennaPod podcast manager
  • Catima, loyalty cards
  • DavX5, CalDAV/CardDAV management and synchronisation (to sync contacts, calendar, files from your own server)
  • KDE Connect, seamless communication back and forth between your phone and computer.
Etc... there are plenty more, but those come to mind, all open source, and great
Ooh aegis, I'm switching to that.
Thanks! This list will keep me occupied for a while.