This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Is any one on here from the Portland or metro area? I’m curious to know if anyone else sees what I see as far as the dismantling of our city. It seems like drugs are being brought in on purpose to Aid the high cost of living with causing homelessness. Homelessness that it seems people are starting to get used to. There are families holding the hands of there children walking by half naked people talking to themselves while digging through the trash cans like they are used to seeing it at this point. There are shootings everyday near pioneer square now. Young 18 to 25ish clean cut Mexican and Honduran Dealers with Fanny packs full of pure Fentanyl powder, blue Fentanyl pills that mimic oxycodone 30s, and a fuck ton of meth selling right out in the open like it’s legal. People are using right out in the open overdosing right out in the open , shitting and pissing right out in the open, stealing right out in the open, killing each other and dying from a bunch of different preventable things right out in the open. There are families with children who don’t use drugs suffering on these streets directly because of the ignorant greed ridden selfish and evil cost of living. The families who are making it in Portland walking by all this unnecessary decay like it’s a part of everyday life, turning there snotty narcissistic heads to it , and skipping along to there transgendered bathroom breaks without a care in the world. There is no way that this scenario was not planned in advance by our state leaders ,and politicians, something would have been done about it a long time ago if it wasn’t what was planned for this city. There is no excuse for what is happening here. The bottom line is that nothing is being done to stop it. Is anyone else seeing this kind of treachery in there Suburbs/ cities? I think it’s time for good people to meet up to form the largest possible groups, so we can let our ignorant state officials go without severance pay, to be nice will give them some fentanyl and a bag of needles, for all there hard work!!! Really this has to end, the fact that it’s happening at all says that we can not trust the ones appointed to keep it from happening. Does anyone else feel this way?
Hottest days of the summer ends.
That's for half of the Earth
It's crazy to think that most of us work all day just touching some plastic squares and watching lots of tiny lights at a fixed distance.
Relative of mine had a birthday today. I offered him $25 cash or $50 in Bitcoin. Which one did you think he chose?
$25 of course :)
I did a similar thing with a mate visiting from another country, we went out and I paid for him (cash only place and he wasn't carrying any).
When he asked for my details to make an international transfer I gave him a Bitcoin address so that he finally would be able to get into it.
In the end, he didn't do it, he just paid fiat to another mate who already is into Bitcoin and that other person sent me the bitcoin.
Some people will do anything to not have any Bitcoin :)
Fiat mining
Meeting new people is always a surprise!
In the context of hard-forks, people will ask "who decides which side of hard-fork wins: miners or nodes?" The answer is neither; consumers are the ones who decide the fate of a hard-fork. When a hard-fork occurs, consumers have the choice of buying/selling on either side of the fork. And they spread that out over time, since they don't make decisions at the same time (unlike individual whales).
When the BSV and BCH forks occured, a lot of consumers sold the BSC and BCH sides and bought the BTC side. This is the one major case in which arguing against shitcoiners publicly is a good idea. Consumers will find eventually find arguments for/against each side of a hard-fork and go with what makes the most sense to them.
Chicago Museum of Science and Industry looking for the Bitcoin exhibit
Working outdoors…. It’s raining. Never mind!
i bought a rain suit from costco recently just in case.
A rain suit? With a waterproof top and trousers? I end up sweating at work and getting as wet on the inside as the outside.
I get to spend one weekend unemployed before...
I hope to review relevant standards, and also clean and re-assess which tools I bring to my new job.
Day 112 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k. __@_'-'