If someone with hacking abilities really wants to find out who you are… they will
How though ? Most hacks require you to make a mistake or download the wrong thing while being targeted. social engineering and malware. It's not magic.
Are you not aware of tor and monero. ?
I'm doing opsec, hardware and software wrong, therefore everything will one day be offline. The post.
How: OSINT, zero days, database breaches, targeted phishing, etc etc… Really going to depend on the target. And yeah, most hacks require a mistake to happen somewhere… and there are always mistakes.
Tor is great, you just have to use it exclusively, and you have to ensure your home network is completely locked down and up to date with security patches.
I have a hard time seeing monero actually scale, but maybe it won’t go to zero. It’s not bitcoin though, and this post is about bitcoin.
Definitely didn’t say everything is going offline.