This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Did the protect text on the Mk4 Cold Card change recently? Currently it says:
Shipping has started and this secures your place in line.
I threw in a order just in case the release is imminent. (I might be reading into a typo and my google-fu isn’t turning up anything.)
Don’t use lolli the worst bitcoin rewards app out there! I’m taking my sats to the bitcoin company
I found a really good deal on a coca cola machine, that I need for a hackathon project. But I have nowhere to put it. :-(
To those of you with a DCA buy running, how much do you let accumulate with the vendor before you withdraw to self-custody? Ideally I would do it immediately after each buy but the fees on moving $50 worth of BTC are usually prohibitive.
Keep in mind your utxo sizes. At some point you will be spending the bitcoin and you ideally wouldn't want to mix a bunch of utxos to make payments. Lately I've been withdrawing in multiples of 1M sats
Yes, that's also part of my consideration I suppose. 1M sats seems like a good number, I'll probably go with that.
If you can use a BTC ATM fees are trash but! KYC-free!!
I can and do sometimes use BTC ATMs, however I'm looking for a specific solution to this problem of when to withdraw my DCA purchases.
DCA from an exchange that support LN, and you can withdraw at any time for no or miniscule fees.
Dollar Cost Averaging. The answer to the question “Is now a good time to buy Bitcoin?”
This would be fine but I want the majority of my coins to stay on chain.
Why would buying at an exchange that supports LN and moving to a wallet not be considered on chain?
Because Lightning is off chain (not settled on chain until the channel closes). I think they want to move the funds to a cold wallet
I never got past the high fees associated with auto-DCAing. Especially for small amounts, the fixed and variable fees can be a massive percentage. I preferred to do manual orders on cheaper exchanges but now favour KYC-free sources of corn.
I DCA on Coincorner and pay minimal fees for each DCA, I don't mind that. The question is about when to withdraw from the vendor to my own wallet.
Man, really got some work to do on the trust algo. I really want a 'i don't like this behavior' button too - that effectively severs my trust with some users. It's weird how people with good intentions can behave worse than people with bad ones.
Uh oh. I have good intension all the time. What did I do?
FWIW, I've wanted one of those buttons too.
Ideas to mull.
  1. Stop the daily payouts that are immediately liquid. Instead, pay them out, as a balance that becomes liquid for the user after say 12 months. Make it long. Kind of like options that vest. This balance is effectively both "staked" and "locked up". The user has to behave for 12 months to get them. Until then, they can be slashed. Make this amount visible.
  2. What if you could stake people you trusted to uphold the EN ethos? This money could go into the same pot as #1. And that stake could earn a yield (paid from the job board funds)?
1B + 2B - With either 1 or 2 created, you could then make a slash button, on that person. To use the slash button, you have to burn your own funds by the amount you want to slash. Make this part zero-sum, such that both the slashed and slasher's funds get paid out to all the other staked capital -- adding to the yield. This is important to avoid abuse.
  1. Put any "This person is untrusted or behaving counter SN Ethos" buttons, on the person's page, at the bottom of their other posts. You at least have to scroll past their other posts, to find out if they are not good actors -- or if they are just having a bad day. Explicitly make the button called "I don't trust this person to uphold the values of the SN ethos". TODO: Write down the SN ethos.
3B You could flip it around, and say "I trust this person to uphold the SN ethos.", put both buttons in the same, inconvenient, spot. Maybe this links to #2.
Make any of these buttons inconvenient to use. Put the button behind a ~30 second page load. Call it a cooling off period or something. Discourages the "I disagree with this person, so I'm going to attack them"-vibes.
Good food for thought Jeff, thanks!