ETH is joke land. I mean that literally - We all saw the quote where Vitalik said ETH shouldn't have to adhere to the laws of physics. Dude thinks he can write his own truth.
You can't freeze bitcoin! That's a huge reason why it has value.
Bitcoin should absolutely not improve. We shouldn't be adding new features or making any changes. Layer 2 solutions have promise and are interesting, but the base layer needs to stay unchanged. Changes are vulnerabilities. Money should not have any inherent additional "features". Leave that to shitcoins and fiat.
ETH is joke land. I mean that literally - We all saw the quote where Vitalik said ETH shouldn't have to adhere to the laws of physics. Dude thinks he can write his own truth.
That's not the point, it was one example. The same kind of thing happens when trying to use BTC with businesses (and will be more common in the future). They run chain analysis on the funds you send and reject the funds if their have a bad history.
This is a real problem for a currency, and it doesn't matter if you like it or not.
Nah, I just solidly disagree. You can't wash a public ledger, and eventually every sat will have been used for something shitty, because we live in a fallen world. I think people can and will eventually accept that the ones and zeros are arbitrary enough to use for their immutability.
We can agree to disagree on that, I suppose.
Sure, I guess :)