So the better alternative would be buying bonds lol
Don't forget, he said the US bonds where risk free. LOL
Yeah I made this argument as well. I am way down on my miner “investment” but what other alternative do you have? I wanted to watch this to get out of my bitcoin echo chamber but we have Bitcoiners out there who would take a 10 year treasury over buying a miner with compass mining.
Even with all the shit compass did it’s still far better than a bond!!! Like it’s not even close!! I rather lose money in a company that is building towards a bitcoin feature then keep feeding the government bond machine that is completely imaginary!
this video is a fucking joke!
56,083 views 7 Aug 2023 #Wallstreetmillennial #crypto #bitcoin Go to to unlock 5.5% APY
5.5APY = lose 4.5APY instead of 10 lmao
Bitcoin mining should be subsidized by government expenditure rather than be treated like a shitty growth stock on the public markets.
El Salvador leading the way