This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Hi there everyone!!! It's Thursday already!! AKA Little Friday. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and of course ripping it!! This summer, get yourself a goal that can be achieved, perhaps something in the like of exercise 15 mins a day or maybe read 15 mins a day of books that are important to you or were postponed to read but couldn't managed to do so. I recommend you Atomic Habits or conversations with God (not religious at all) or the kybalion. To get a different perspective of things. Or perhaps do 25 push-ups /squats/etc. And keep increasing by day during this summer. As I mentioned, something achievable, little habits for a greater goal. I wish you a phenomenal thursday and may your day be filled with success and happiness. Be well and stay frosty my friend!!!
My frequent orange pilling of my mom (73) has finally paid off. She just bought herself first sats. Well done mom :).
Day two of the new job. The shipyard I left 6 months ago to work as a yacht electrician opened a yacht electrician position. I found myself very unhappy with the job I had in the meantime, but the experience I gained in those 6 months were important for me feeling like I could fulfill the job responsibilities. The supposed did not previously have a yacht electrician, but they have a yard electrician. He's leaving tomorrow. We're supposed to be doing inventory of the equipment in his office so that when they find a replacement for him we will know what all we have in inventory. The electrical office is a mess. Given his own displeasure with his current position, he pretty much ignored doing inventory, oh well. I'm trying to clean up the office a little, at least. Otherwise this means I'm not really doing work yet. I await some supplies. Maybe next week I will be able to get on a boat, but in the meantime I'm happy this electrical office has a wall A/C unit!
Today I'm trying to grow all my communities on X.
haha yeah, that is definitely the correct sentiment
Believing in the Bitcoin dream!
Here is another pitch for @grayruby 's NFL survivor pool. We have more participants than I expected, which means somebody will get a load of sweet sats. BUT... You gotta be in it to win it!!!!! "Old lottery TV ad catch phrase"
Day 117 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Hello? Snail…. Are you here? Checking price..
Im just happy because I realised by myself why lightning is supperior system to etherium L2 rollups without reading technical mumbo-jumbo :) In eth popular rollups like arbitrum and optimism all L2 transactions are crammed to on huge mainnet transaction by "the sequencer". This is done constantly automatically in every minute or so. The problem is that blockspace will be clogged and gas prices will skyrocket and will reflect on L2 prices and usablility. But in lightning, final settlement on the main net is "user chosen" i.e when node chooses to close the channel. There is no constant clogging. This seems much more optimal system design. Right?