If all you want to do is not link UTXOs, I suggest you spend the whole UTXO into another electrum/sparrow wallet and manage it there. Because of the nature of how lightning nodes work, you should treat all UTXOs of that node to be inherently linked. The thing is, lnd does have the capability of "freezing" an output. They call it "lease output" more here. However most lnd node managers (I suppose that's what you mean by "lnd wallets") don't implement this as it's far below in the priority.
And yes, DON'T convert the AEZEED seed into BIP39 and manage it externally WHILE your node is still online. That's not the purpose of those converters
Not sure if I'd be confident about trying that lease output.
All my LN channels have been closed but they are still inherently linked? I guess in that case I don't need to send separately since the damage is already done
Yup, correct. If you have closed/opened channels or had force closures, then those UTXOs are pretty much linked already. If you care for privacy enough, you might want to mix them and then send them to your desired destination.
Thanks for letting me know!
So many nuances to lightning. I think I'll stick with my phoenix & electrum LN wallets for now