ANYTHING is not Bitcoin is a shitcoin. No debate.
Why is that?
The more I think about it, the more I like it.
1 grin per second, forever. Not only do you get the security of constant emission, but 1 grin per second makes it a lot less arbitrary than something like Monero’s tail emission (which could very well change according to the whims of the inner circle).
It’s really a true cypherpunk project and I think that is why Bitcoiners generally like it.
Even if mimblewimble is more of a scaling technology than a privacy technology, it is still very simple and clean. Addresses are still off chain for added privacy as well.
Slatepacks are actually awesome. I’m glad that transactions are interactive because it led to the creation of slatepacks. Very simple when coupled with a Messaging app. Room for UX improvement here though.
Would love to hear y’alls thoughts on Grin
This is also a good and long article on grin that came out the other day: