I'm considering about building a web portal where to buy and sell product and services paid with Bitcoin.
Most of plebs are reluctant to unveil their identity... and that is quite inconvenient in a project where someone has to trust the other in first place without knowing the identity.
Say if i want to buy a kilo of coffee, whether I pay first or the seller sends me the coffee first.
How can this be overcome without a centralized authority, how can I build trust here to prevent farud?
Thank you very much.
You pay the sats, which have an expiration date that allow for a bit of delays in processing.
You request signature when the goods are delivered. This signature releases the funds to the merchant.
If no delivery was registered at the deadline, the funds are automatically sent back to the purchaser.
Use a built-in escrow service or use an external one. Something like this:
You can have an identity that is not tied to your real identity.
Mmmm, someone can create multyple identities and scam...
We are doing a with multisigs between friends. In a 2 of 3 the third party can arbitrate if trust is broken. The longer the multisig is alive and the more bitcoin the more trust. So this can be a requirement for a seller and you create a mesh of trusted sellers.
Check out robosats, I think they tackle a similar problem
You don't need trust, as long the conversation is going to smooth and you like to chat with other, that's building our Trust. I believe that on #nostr
Thank you very much you all for your reply ill check them tomorrow morning... 0:40 in Spain 🥱🥱🥱