Decentralized social media that isn’t directly related to bitcoin (I mean, you can tip with sats, but other than that it’s not inherently bitcoiner social media), but it happens to be mostly bitcoiners talking about bitcoin.
Joining Nostr is cool because you’ll be able to say you were one of the first users.
Not sure if Nostr is the final form of decentralized social media, but it’s at least the prototype, and if something better is built, everything could easily transfer over.
The tech in a nutshell: it’s a protocol in the same way email and HTTP are protocols. When you post, you send the post to relays (as many as you want), and the app itself is just a way to display posts from relays. Relays are basically like nodes, so there’s really no meaningful censorship or anything like that.
That was actually really helpful, thanks for explaining it in such a concise and clear way. Being one of the first definitely sounds enticing, do you think it will garner interest from nocoiners at some point?
So, this is just my personal hypothesis, but... "At some point", inevitably, yes, kind of.
I think it's a game changing innovation, and like all game changing innovations, it'll be commonplace for everyone eventually.
The innovation is social media as a protocol. That idea has been discovered/invented, and there's no putting the toothpaste back. Similar to the internet itself, and electricity. If Nostr never breaks out of the "social media for bitcoiners" perception, the idea of social media as a protocol will likely take another form. I think of Nostr as the first MP3 player. Is it the iPod? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, the days of CDs and tapes are numbered. There could still be uses for centralized social media, maybe people will use both, but social media as a protocol is inevitably successful.
For Nostr to be accepted by nocoiners, more people that don't care about bitcoin need to get on there (or bitcoiners needs to find something else to talk about besides bitcoin), the UI needs to be a little more user friendly, and people with big followings probably need to join.
Technically... Damus is the app that everyone uses, and someone could easily build another UI that becomes more popular... But that would still technically be Nostr, because Nostr is the protocol.
TL;DR - If Nostr/Damus doesn't become widely adopted, social media as a protocol will, likely as Nostr/something_else.
PS - bitcoin adoption likely solidifies Nostr as the default social media platform for most people.