pull down to refresh

This is kind of a grab bag of smaller stuff

reward details

You can click on your reward notifications now and view where your rewards came from and how you compared to other rewardees. It's still not great detail but it's better than what we provided before and is a vector for more details later.
Also, @anon's stack (the sats anons earn on posts) have been added to the reward pool.

image fixes

When our image proxy can't process an image you share, we fallback to the original source url now. If you're concerned about your IP leaking to image hosts, you can make it so fallbacks are only available on click in your settings.
Additionally, timeouts were added to the proxy.

pwa dark mode enhancements

On android, when your OS theme preference is dark mode, you should get a dark splash screen now.

lnauth with the new phoenix wallet should be fixed

The new phoenix wallet sends a GET with Content-Length: 0 on lnauth which deviates from the HTTP spec's recommendation:
A user agent SHOULD NOT send a Content-Length header field when the request message does not contain a payload body and the method semantics do not anticipate such a body.
... and caused us to fail the request. We remove the header upstream now.

new open source contributor

@rleed@github.com made it so the dropdown when you click on you nym is no longer a link tag (because it shouldn't be one).
You dropped this šŸ‘‘
I'm happy for my coins to go to all of you! ā¤ļø
Lol content length in a get request. Cmon Phoenix!
I notified them about this in this ticket
I don't imagine they have a lot to choose from in terms of Scala http clients.
more rewards? Iā€™m in āš”ļø
It's new Wallet? šŸ¤”
I still get a white splash screen with the yellow logo. Do I need to do something to update? I would love the dark splash screen :)
You might need to reinstall it. And you have to have dark mode set in the OS settings
Ok I didn't know I had to reinstall Now it is better than white background but I see the entire splash screen in yellow with the logo in the middle. I would prefer black background with the logo in the middle, like before but black instead of white.
We are still learning how to control PWA stuff so apologies.
Do you have Dark Mode enabled in your Android settings? To get Android to display the dark screen and startup we have to use some modern HTTP headers asking the browser what the OS theme preference is.
Ok I think I have found the issue. Yes I have dark mode in android settings. But I am using Brave browser for android. I reinstalled using Chrome and it works with a dark splash screen. In Brave browser I used the Install App option, but it seems it is installed as a shortcut with a small brave browser icon on top of stacker news icon in the launcher. Although it does seem like a full screen app and all. In chrome is installed as an app without chrome overlay icon. Also I saw a cool lightning animation on chrome that I didn't see on Brave šŸ˜ƒ
(Also it seems like you discovered a bug because you should see the lightning animation in the brave browser too šŸ¤”)
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Still no true dark mode for SN desktop? šŸ˜¢
Do you understand CSS? I could direct you to try to help us get this done faster.
We have a set of CSS variables for each theme. It's a matter of creating a third set of those variables and allowing it to be selected.
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These are our current dark mode theme vars. If it's only the bg you want changed we can attempt something like that, but it might mess with the visibility of other things (I don't know).
We also can't vary the theme of the pwa bezel so you'll be stuck with our current settings there.
My goal would be to create a third theme for folks like you that want a true black.
If you want to do a pr, the variables are in styles/global.scss. You'll want to create a third set of variables. Then we'll need to provide another localStorage variable to select the type of dark mode you want which will be used in pages/_document.js and components/dark-mode.js to set the theme.
{ --bs-body-bg: #121214; --bs-body-color: #f0f0f0; --theme-inputBg: #121211; --theme-inputDisabledBg: #121211; --theme-navLink: hsla(0,0%,100%,.55); --theme-navLinkFocus: hsla(0,0%,100%,.75); --theme-navLinkActive: hsla(0,0%,100%,.9); --theme-borderColor: hsla(0,0%,100%,.5); --theme-dropdownItemColor: hsla(0,0%,100%,.7); --theme-dropdownItemColorHover: hsla(0,0%,100%,.9); --theme-commentBg: hsla(0,0%,100%,.025); --theme-clickToContextColor: hsla(0,0%,100%,.1); --theme-brandColor: var(--bs-primary); --theme-grey: #969696; --theme-link: #2e99d1; --theme-toolbarActive: hsla(0,0%,100%,.1); --theme-toolbarHover: hsla(0,0%,100%,.2); --theme-toolbar: #3e3f3f; --theme-quoteBar: #9e9fa3; --theme-quoteColor: #8d9096; --theme-linkHover: #007cbe; --theme-linkVisited: #56798e; }
I was searching if we could change links blue color to something else (yellow for example) and found your comment. I think the blue color is not very readable on some situations in dark mode and low brightness. It would be nice if the user could select and customize theme colours, or at least the links color.
Oh I also added an overlay of # of comments per post to the stacker analytics items graph.
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