I ascribe to the Rome wasn't built in a day philosophy. Maybe I have gone too slowly. A few years back was Facebook. Then Twitter. My name was an important part of my career so I had a public web site, email, etc. Now I'm retired. I stopped using Google drive, then photos, then Gmail and switched to protonmail. It was a slow process. Recently I switched to graphene. Next step- my own server. That will be gradual too. My brain can't handle change all at once.
I think this is a great approach provided it fits your threat model of course. This is pretty much what I have done and what I am still doing.
This is how I approach it, too. I always try to think on the margins (I am an economist afterall), so the focus is on increasing the difficulty of accessing my data.
I don't believe there is an all or nothing dichotomy. If one of these big actors is dead set on getting your data, they're probably going to get it. However, most privacy breaches are just going after low hanging fruit, so even small privacy measures can have big returns.
Goodness, I wrote "Roman" wasn't built in a day... I swear.