I listened to a podcast episode of The Bitcoin Matrix with Alladan. His life story is entertaining and maybe worth a listen. He sells bitcoin trading cards. I never heard of these cards before. I did a quick search on SN but couldn't find anything. Does anyone collect these? Opinions?
You say this and i instantly think of magic the gathering lol
Yeah, and also the Pokemon TCG
Ha! Maybe this Aladdan guy is French?
I think @NEEDcreations sells Bitcoin trading cards. He would probably know about it.
Also, on Nostr he indicated he might be interested in the survivor pool so hopefully he sees this.
So I sell Bitcoin playing cards. They're a standard deck of 52 and each card has a piece of bitcoin education on them with a picture representing it. Alladan sells BTC trading cards, which are kind of like Pokemon cards but for Bitcoin - amazing art and high quality. I love what he's doing
Interesting! Do you have a link to your site?
I knew NEED was the man for this inquiry.
Thanks! I'll check it out.
Looks like quite a turnout. This will be interesting. Regarding the cards, here's the link: https://btc-tc.com/
I might have to pick up one of those packs for my 13 year old. Some of the kids at his taekwondo class trade those Pokemon cards. He only has baseball cards (ok they are really for me, I admit it) but these cards could be good to get the other kiddos asking about Bitcoin.
I have to admit they are impressive. Pretty pricey, though. I guess he sells them annually at the Bitcoin Conference.
Definitely pricey.