Normies are so easily manipulated and imediately jump into " I support the current thing" without knowing shit about what they are "supporting".
So asking everybody "what is your take on x thing" is kinda meaningless. Many people with no fucking idea will give their "opinion" like will be "experts" but in fact they know shit.
We should let those with more knowledge about this to talk and debate first, BEFORE jumping in any boat/gang/conclusions.
Wouldn't that exclude 99% of us then? Bitcoin is no longer a niche interest, there are all types of people with net worth in the system. I don't believe dev's have supreme foresight and can consider all ramifications of change, which is why a wider community opinion to me is important
Yes many people aren't interested in doing the work and outsource their opinion to a "trusted source"
Also if we just say its a dev thing the rest need to keep quite, you open up situations where you could have 1 developer or a few that are compromised and becomes an attack vector
When Jeremy was making that AMA I didn't see you asking him more details...
Aaand how does him not asking this discard his point?
lol probably just to make me shut up :P
Many opponents of Jeremy proposal says that it wasn't discussed enough. But when Jeremy was proposing this for almost a year now, nobody paid attention to it.
I find this behavior weird and now he's attacked by many saying that he wants to "destroy" bitcoin. This is just stupid.
I am not pro or contra for this proposal. I do not have enough tech expertise to say my opinion on this.
But I do not like when people with no fucking idea what is about, start building gangs pro or contra and not even let Jeremy to talk or even worse, just ignore him when he talks, then saying that wasn't debate about his proposal. This is just stupid.
I don't think he's here to destroy bitcoin, I am sure his frustrated that his proposal has been hanging around for a year or more now.
If the bitcoin core peeps aren't keen on it, can he not have it put in another implementation, hence I mentioned adding it to liquid, get it going there, have some field experience is better than nothing no?