…will twitter buy all Bitcoin?
I can already hear and see the Doge schilling 🤮
for a short time things might improve....decentralization (or maybe federation) should always be the goal
If you'd like to see a great explanation of problems facing Twitter (the current defacto global cafe), before the algorithm drops, this is a pretty great outline: https://github.com/fiatjaf/nostr
Would love to see twitter become an API-first backend where you could chose different clients with different feed and recommendation algos. Not just basic info and tweets, but a full view of platform interactions will be query-able by 3rd party devs writing the clients.
Add on Lightning micro payments api to rate limit bots/spam, and also use LN for monetization to content creators.
They should also enable and cooperate with 3rd parties looking to archive historical accounts.
twitter become an API-first backend where you could chose different clients
I think that's already the case. Plenty of 3rd party Twitter apps.
The 2 timeline algos are backend generated tho.
I support this buyout because it is likely that some of the proceeds from Jack Dorsey's 2% stake will end up supporting Bitcoin development. 😃
Clearly a win for free speech but imagine being a stock holder for 9 years and being forced to cash out for 15%? Hopefully they have a way for existing stock holders to continue to hold private shares...
I don't know anything about stonks but I can't imagine they are forced to sell and just get some kind of private ownership.
Play stonks games, win stonks prizes 🤡🤷‍♂️
I see that here there will be an exodus or at least an exploration by some tw users to alternative platforms, very curious that stacker.news is becoming very active ... even more curious that much of its traffic comes from twitter (https://plausible.io/stacker.news) I would love it, it feels much more comfortable here :)