Congrats :) I have a childhood friend that we started hanging out again the recent years, I occasionally bring the conversation to bitcoin and try to educate him about the importance of such a tool.
First few times I was very excited to explain what it is and how it works, but it didn't seem to get his attention, in the sense to start asking questions.
Latter I told him that I was studing how the financial system (money) works and there I understood that he had no idea about the reality... I mean he had a completely false perspective which he tried to support but soon realised there was flaws in his opinion, but I never pushed him to much :)
Fast forward.. a few month ago he was visiting me to have a cup of coffee and hang out, and in my big screen I had the mempool space website open because I was checking the fees before a transaction. He asked me a few questions about the stats that the website visualise and I was more than happy to explain. That day I knew all our previous conversations had set the fundamentals and he now knows the basics. Next step is to make him a wallet and send him some btc, which I postpone because he has a very old phone that I am afraid to trust it in the sense of security. Also I try to educate him how to be more privacy oriented.
keep on chugging along. well done