I feel like the only bitcoiner who is not into science fiction. I'm looking for recommendations. I'm not sure if they even count, but I did read classic Orwell, Huxley, and Bradbury, and A Clockwork Orange, so I'm not looking for that stuff. More the stuff people in their 30s seem to have all read.
Thanks. At my age I better start reading tonight before dementia sets in.
Lol, I always have to bookmark posts like this so I don’t forget to revert back later on
Same here buddy!
Sci-fi-y I've mostly spent time with space opera stuff so recommendations are more focused that way...
Asimov is a classic as well. Foundation series and (outside of that series) The End of Eternity.
Broken Earth for a not-space-opera and more rock focused series.
Not beginner-y, Imperial Radch is really interesting.
Neal Stephenson can be hit or miss for folks. My favorite is Seveneves but Snow Crash is a classic and Cryptonomicon fits well with crypto folks.
Now I remember reading A Hitchhiker's Guide back in the early 80s. It was very popular with my crowd. I honestly don't remember too much about it, but I seem to recall it was kind of funny in an ironic way? I might be mistaken.
Thanks. This is what I was looking for.
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem

Read micho kaku that clown only writes on science fiction

Not great if you're allergic to bullshit though
Anything by Andy Weir.
Another recommendation for Hitchhikers Guide and Dune - both very good but quite different
An important science fiction short story that everyone should read today is called "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Heinlein, who himself was a libertarian. I'd bet you can find it free to read online and eat it in an hour flat.
It's got a bunch of themes in it like AI and national control over the moon that are relevant today. Great stuff.
For fun read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which has pretty much infinite quotes and memes spewing from it.
Frank Herbert's DUNE was epic as f*ck.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is a great freaking book and an OK movie. There were tons of sequels though.
Also try Larry Niven's Ringworld.
Children of Time
+1 for hitchhiker's guide, dune is also great, and just about anything by phillip k dick.
I have known this guy for years. We still run into each other once in a while, but I have never read his books. I'm sure he's not big time: https://www.goodreads.com/series/368253-agent-of-exiles