This is enemy #1 of Web3.
The advert-driven platforms of Web2 must be matched with fair monetization protocols.
Otherwise, we will continue to be free products/content and therefore a marketable service for advertisers.
"Web3" is an enemy of Bitcoin
That is a very broken way of looking at the situation.
Yeah Google and Meta have tried so many things to diversify from advertising, but it is the cash cow that keeps on giving, normies don't want to pay directly for stuff, they've been sold on everything must be free and subsidised by their purchases to 3rd party advertisers.
I don't see ads going away anytime its so entrenched in the way the internet works today
There have to be protocols utilized by platforms and new software that prevent it from being the cash cow for social media / content creation sites.
It won't be an easy transition, but we're in the dark ages until we take ownership of our content and its monetization.
Protocols are one thing incentives are another, what would be the incentive for the average person/masses from protecting their data/not giving it up to social media?
If they are already willing to hand it over for vanity metrics they can sell on secondary marketplaces to advertisers, most people think free access to these networks are worth the trade-off
People tend to forget that Google and Facebook are basically advertisement companies.
Google and Facebook have similar business models where they push ads or collect and sell your data to the highest bidder.
The future is social media platforms built off of protocols like Nostr and ActivityPub
Glad someone understood the memo.
People defending ads have me laughing. It's not like Web3 wants to erase ads entirely, we want fair monetization and our social media platforms shouldn't rely solely on advert funding.
"The bad guys do X so doing X is the #1 bad" ... Like most people, I don't like ads, but we can at least do a better job of arguing against them.
Imo enemy #1 of Web3 (yuck can we use another term?) is economic reality. It needs to solve real problems that people are willing to pay for if it won't depend on ads. Most of us can agree that depending on ads is a failure mode, and that ad driven business models are a problem. If you want to be a cover band for those tired songs, go ahead. What we need if anything is new music.
I'm a writer, not a developer. I haven't done anything but casual code in years. I work middle to front end.
This doesn't impress me, it shows a lack in capital.