Greek temples had an important function in the storage of state money. Temples were frequently used to store votive offerings, which consisted of valuable objects such as gold, silver, and other precious materials dedicated to the gods.
  1. The temples served as a safe place to store these treasures and protect them from theft. Banks: There is historical evidence that temples in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome functioned as banks.
2.Temples managed currencies and offered financial services such as loans and deposits. Temples had high credibility and trustworthiness, making them an ideal place to store state money. Political institutions: Greek temples were not only religious but also political institutions. The temples were funded and managed by the community, and the revenues were used for public purposes such as infrastructure construction and war financing
  1. Symbol of wealth and power: The construction of temples was often associated with great financial expense. Greek cities invested considerable resources in building magnificent temples to demonstrate their wealth and power
4.Temples were a symbol of the city's prosperity and contributed to economic development. Greek temples played an important role in the storage of state money while also serving as political and economic institutions. They were a central part of ancient Greek society and contributed to the stability and development of communities.
Good article Tom. Thanks for posting. What's your sense about the upcoming week? Evergrande contagion?
Thank you very much. As you might know I'm the worst short term trader You can imagine. But to me it looks like yields and the DXY could start rolling over again which could lead to a positive week for risk assets. (No financial advice!!). To me it seems that the Evergrande story is already priced in as it was a story running along the last two years. But there will clearly be contagion in the financial sector, possibly later this year.
Thanks. We live in interesting times.
Oh yes. And it's getting more and more confusing as common knowledge and morals are getting under attack...
I also like the idea of how temples can communicate through time. It can emphasize the value of "proof of work" through generations
Yes, indeed. Very well said! It's like epic books. Take Homer's Iliad - it's been a travelling massage over thousands of years. Or the Bible. Moral codes to be imprinted into the social genome to stabilize enthropie.
Interesting read.
Thank You. The antique temple was a kind of spiritually and by force established center of confidence and trust. The antiquity formed their societies in a way around this idea to build on the guarantee of the gods as a form of a base layer. Panteism in its purest form.
Textbook pantheism made real.
It is probably no coincidence then that the facades and interiors of modern (19th century) banks have a neo classical architectural style. Stability, authority, birthplace of mathematics and democracy - you can understand why architects look to Greek temples and state buildings.
Exactly. Even we barbarians from the north understand this symbolism of eternal power immidiately when we are confronted with it.