We'd love to know about such website/app - let us know if you find it!
In the link above you see some of the websites.
Some have games. All are web based.
Here is one site you can visit to see a dinosaur.
So I think if your alby wallet can help you navigate these sites and you can actually spend something in the website it can be done. Because you got your alby with you.
Will keep exploring.
Yesterday I went to webxr link and opened my browser on the Oculus Quest 2.
I was able to enter these 3d websites. I played a mini golf game. And I saw some dinosaurs.
So you can interact in these games with your environment.
It should also be possible to add the alby wallet to the browser in the Oculus Quest 2. There is a Firefix Mozilla browser in the Oculus Quest. I did not see a chrome browser, but I will check.
What amazes me is that simply via a webbrowser you can run these games. This means that everybody can create these games on their website.
I looks like there is a game engine in the browser.
I wonder if you can use gaming engines like Unity to create webxr environments and deploy it on a website?
Update: you can use Unity to build a WebXR scene.
This guy is showing how to build it.
And he also talks about integrating WebXR with Ethereum in one of his future videos.
So Iā€™m excited that this can akso be done with bitcoin and lightning.
Here is the video about setting up WebXR in Unity.
Here is the specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/webxr/
I invite getalby @Alby and other web browsers to check this out. Also people programming on lightning.
It would be cool if we could enter these 3d spaces with alby or lightning or nostr.
Looks like something that could implement WebLN and seamless integration to Bitcoin with Alby. We can't create such a tool nor learn another technology - but we do our best to facilitate lightning actions on the web, for other builders!
Great. Will look into WebLN.