lol @ little man crying about a minor edit
sad, very sad
i was testing the platform for backbone
epic fail
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bro you lost the debate and then went on a trip
i don't care, you're far from the first
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sarcasm detected.
why don't we just be adults and agree to disagree huh?
trust me, anyone who knows me knows i care far more about logic than you
oh and last edit
you REALLY need more schooling
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Please explain to me how slow finality, high power costs, very limited governance, and overall utility make a currency the best cryptocurrency. We can beat the encryption. We can do it with less (almost no) power costs. We have instant finality. We have active governance and a wide range of utility with further applications. We fixed transaction fees, particularly ones that do not scale well with mid-market price - we have feeless or extremely low-fee tx fees on chain, no need for a lightning network via 3rd party software. Yet, people cling to this idea that because Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, it is the best. However, they can't make a valid argument to prove this to save their lives. That's the point of this post; I welcome challenges in the comments. Before anyone even mentions the economic rule - scarcity, take note that gold and silver are required in every industry humankind has. Bitcoin scarcity is built only on user support... it's already been rebuilt into multiple better currencies, and all of them are subject to the same user support. Those projects have since been buried by modern ones that meet the specs I just mentioned above. Do you know what will happen to miners when the blocks are finished being mined?
lost cries deflects cries more i go live my life knowing more rofl
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my first article for cryptowriter debunked hardware wallets highly promoted the use of handguns and advanced encryption
are you threatening me?
please tell me who i am
please tell me what happened to the last person online to cross me, they used to be rich
please keep talking shit because it only further proves you have that thin damn skin all BTC maxi's have
and last of all before i go grill something fire, please be dumb enough to come threaten me IRL
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