You are not "investing" in Bitcoin. You are securing your future. You are saving energy in the best form of storing it: Bitcoin. Please stop having that fiat mindset with "invest in bitcoin".
Don't be petty about words. Although I agree with you. The endd result is important here!
Darth can be harsh, he's Darth after all but words matter. I still slip up and use words that are not truly what I believe or even mean. I think most of us actually use bitcoin to save and preserve our life force. Our work. Fiat mindset is real. We were born into this reality and culture and it takes work to change our thinking to be free of it.
I see this has been edited out now, but on the otherside to this in the eminence of @DarthCoin I'll take this to the edge. It's only lawyers and tax agents (fiat) who want to convince you that the word "investment" has a discrete meaning. A meaning that particularly suits their purpose... In reality words mean only as much or as little as you think they do in the context. Fiat actually tells you that words mean a lot... In my world this comment could be considered my investment in you, and in stacker news that investment can pay off. At the same time that doesn't mean I pay the government a cut ;) ... We will always slip up with words, we can fix them, but it doesn't matter, people and work matter.
It isn't about words, it is about the mindset.
To me, Bitcoin is a savings mechanism, which is, by definition, where I store my surplus energy.
After I spent all the money needed to improve my house, after I bought even more land, after I stocked on food, after I bought all the gadgets I want, after I traveled ...
It ain't much, but it is saving steadily.
You can't "save" by cutting out necessities. That isn't saving.
Now, if you don't truly enjoy your current home, and you think you will benefit from an upgrade 5 years later thanks to BTC price, sure, that is a very different story, and probably a good strategy. But it isn't investing, or saving...