Problem: avoid us human SN users having to maintain Twitter accounts to read multi-post threads.
Solution: Bot should parse each SN post to find Twitter links and publish a Nitter link to the same content as a reply beneath the post.
Could also include a status message if running low on sats for paying for posting fees.
30,000 sats paid
Lumor's bounties
Nitter is no longer parsing twitter posts/threads. People should just stop using twitter, is a fucking garbage. Boycott the motherfucker mElon.
I used nitter just yesterday and it worked
It works for me about 20% of the time these days. Honestly, Elon has done me a favor by making Twitter completely useless without an account, now I just don't follow links to that cesspool.
Nice idea! I created @unpaywall two months ago but didn't write the code yet.
But using it for Twitter links makes sense! It's not a paywall but nonetheless a wall.
I might rename the bot to unwall, lol
Excellent work! Good that it posts links to 2 instances.
Do you know of more established instances?
Also, I assumed twitter links are always either or (with optional www in front)
Do you know if there are other link formats?
No, I don't know of any other reliable Nitter instances, or link formats. Might bug you again if I come across either.
@unpaywall is running now. See #232668 (ignore the duplicate comments, was just testing)
If a post is a twitter link, it adds a comment with nitter links and stores the comment + item id in a sqlite3 database.
If the post already has a comment from the bot (by checking the database), it does not post a comment to prevent duplicates.
"Technical chops" is what I saw it called on another thread here on SN.
Which is what I don't have any of.
What I have had though, was a macro (obviously running on my local machine) that converts twitter links to nitter. Glad I can retire that macro now.
Edit: On second thought, I might just keep it since it works on any site. Not just SN.
Just bring everyone to nostr and sn instead, no tech debt XD