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SN NFL Survivor Pool 2023 Rules/Details
BUY IN: 10,000 sats sent to @nflsurvivor2023 by Sept 4th. Buy in will be open starting tomorrow. I will make a post specifically for buy in. When you send your buy in, please reply to the post to advise me its sent, so I know who it came from.
RULES: -Each week every player still in the game will review the week's games schedule and pick one team to win straight up (spread doesn't matter). If the team you selected that week loses, you are eliminated. If the team you selected wins, you move on to the next week. -You can only select a team one time. (i.e if you select the Chiefs in Week 1 you cannot use them again) -Last player standing wins the entire prize pool. -If you are eliminated, there will be one opportunity per player to buy back into the pool (also 10,000 sats) up until week 9. There will be no re-buys permitted after week 9. If eliminated and you wish to buy back in, you must submit your re-buy payment and pick in time for the upcoming week's selection deadline. Reminder a team cannot be selected more than once (if you lose with the Chiefs in week 1 in a big upset and choose to re-buy, the chiefs are still off the board for you).
ADMIN and DEADLINES -A list of games for the upcoming week's schedule, along with a list of remaining players, their available re-buys, and the teams they are restricted from picking will be posted on Tuesdays (hopefully by 12pm est but give me a bit of flexibility on this one). -Pick Submission Deadline will be as follows: a) Thursday 6pm est for players picking a team that is playing in the Thursday night game. b) Sunday 12am est for players picking teams from the Sunday slate of games. c) Saturday 12am est for players picking teams from the Saturday slate of games. (Saturday games only start in week 15 so unlikely we get that far without a winner but just in case)
  • FYI there are games being played in Europe starting in Week 4. These games start at 9:30am est so please stick to the Sunday 12am est deadline to avoid Sunday morning chaos.
TIEBREAKERS -If the final 2 or more players are eliminated on the same week and we are out of re-buys or past the re-buy cut off of Week 9, the winner will be decided by point differential from that week's games. Whichever player's team lost by the smallest margin will be deemed the winner. -If we still have a tie after point differential (teams lost by the same amount or players selected the same losing team that week), we will go to a playoff between tied participants for the upcoming week of games. If that week ends in a tie (both win or both lose), we will go to the point differential tiebreaker again to determine a winner. If still tied we will go to another playoff week until we have a clear winner. -In the unlikely event a game is cancelled and not rescheduled prior to the upcoming week's slate of games any players who selected teams in the cancelled game will be carried forward to the next week where they will need to pick 2 winners to move on. Unless carrying them forward causes them to win the pool, at which point they will need to pick 1 game to win and we will revert to tiebreaker rules if they lose that game.
WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER -Once we have a clear winner, this Survivor Pool account will post an announcement on the Tuesday following the 'winning weekend', announcing the winner, and total prize pool they earned. -The winner will reply to the post "I Survived the 2023 SN NFL Survivor Pool and all I got were these Awesome Sats" or with whatever victory trash talk they wish to reply with. -The survivor account will then zap their comment the entire prize pool (so everyone can verify) and ride off into the sunset.
Please feel free to comment with questions and maybe anything I might have missed. I suggest any unforeseen circumstances not covered by the rules or disputes regarding the rules be adjudicated by our resident legal beagle, Siggy.
Cheers, GR
Thanks for taking the time to do this, @grayruby. I think it's the start of something big.
It was fun. I had to review it a few times to make sure I didn't screw it up as my little one was trying to build a fort out of our sectional couch cushions and put her rocking horse on top of it while I was working on it.
My daughter is too old for that stuff, which I miss. When I'm trying to post my cat jumps on my keyboard while my dog whines at my feet.
Hopefully grandkids for you someday. Our puppy dog usually wants to lay around on our deck outside if its nice out but if she is not out there she is definitely under mine or my wife's feet.
You still have a dog? I thought we where post to sell all our possessions to buy more Bitcoin.
See everyone week one.
During dips she don't get much to eat.
deleted by author
Just sent the 10k sats and then read again:
10,000 sats sent to @nflsurvivor2023 by Sept 4th. Buy in will be open starting tomorrow. I will make a post specifically for buy in. When you send your buy in, please reply to the post to advise me its sent, so I know who it came from.
That explains why no one replied to this post about their sats, lol
Consider the sats a donation if you want to enforce the rules haha
First action from me on this and immediately made a mistake. Looking forward to more participation, haha
Quick Question. Buy in post has received 50k sats but only 45k sats credited to account in satistics. 10% fee for larger zaps or something?
It's always 10% which go to the reward pool. Mentioned in FAQ here
zapped the amount required to make you whole
I didn't realize because always zap small amounts. It's ok. I suspect this account will get enough additional zaps through the season to ensure the prize pool is whole. All good.
Haha all good. When I logged into this account I said "wow this account got tipped a lot of sats yesterday- oh wait someone probably paid the buy-in".
I've got you down as paid my friend.
Great write up. I am ready to lose!
Love it- thanks!
Oh. Before I forget. Thanks for donating your sats to the "prize pool" aka me.
#trashtalk #VotedMostLikelyToGoOutFirst
As the rock would say "Don't sing it, bring it".
Thanks for all this @grayruby this is going to be wicked fun.
It's all fun and games until the Texans beat the Ravens week 1 and half the league is toast. Haha.
Which is why I am actually looking forward to seeing what kind of strategies the re-buy will inspire. I may be likely to go more out on a limb to save one of the top teams for later knowing I can use the re-buy before week 9.
Iā€™m ready