If you don’t own a node you don’t know shit what you are talking about.
You are just a fiat scammer who think it is fancy to talk about this new thing called Bitcoin or bitcoin. But deep down you are asleep.
I mean seriously. How dare you a. How dare you ask…I don’t get it. I’m speechles. Such a…man!
You trust others what they say your balance is. How could you fool yourself like that?
I mean opening a wallet and thinking that what you see is the truth? Those digits in your wallet how do you know they are the truth?
You think you own 2 bitcoins? Show me why you think that.
You are one of those free riders right? Enjoying the network but not helping. Not validating anything. Great!!
What do you think this whole bitcoin thing is about? Are you seriously not verifying your transactions yourself? Seriously? After all those scams around. SBF? Does it ring a bell?
You are just living in dream fiat land. Like when you log in your online bank account. You see those digits and you believe you have that 50.000 usd? That money doesn’t exist.
Go to the bank right now and take it out. And you will see.
And now you want me to convince you to do something you should know you should be doing?
Owning your own bank that is what a node is. Taking responsibility for owning your own stuff.
But I won’t waste my time anymore on you!!
You lazy…
Lol: this was all acting!!!! I’m not actually this hard!!! I think you should do whatever you want and accept and own the consequences.
Are you conviced now you $&@&@(()
Lol. Just kidding it is a game we are playing, remember?