Dad coaching my sons team…. ie unqualified but patient and enthusiastic
That's awesome. I informally assisted with my daughter's Tball this year. Coaching Tball would be a bit beyond my patience level but it was fun to help out. When she gets older I will likely coach her team if she continues with baseball or goes into softball. After I stopped playing ball when I was 18 I coached with my dad for a couple years and had a great time but I need the kids to be old enough to at least know the rules and pay attention to the game so Tball coaching isn't for me. But it was a great season.
Patience and encouragement seem to be the secret. Too many pushy parents at times who aren’t prepared to stand there quietly and let their kids learn from each other.
Good point.
Let’s be honest that these games don’t take place without volunteer coaches like yourself or your Dad. People like me and my kids benefit from your time and experience.
My friend started a female basketball team so his daughters could play (there being no other provision in their town) - the daughters have long since moved away with work but he remains coaching week-in-week-out and keeping the team going.
That's awesome. Kudos to your friend.