Since you can make money by giving your opinion, make you think twice before say something. A reputation system that show how people value your opinion, using sats/comment could be a killer feature. The more the people value your comments, the more you post stay at the top.
Of course could be used to pay for fake good reputation, but since you are paying should have a limit.
Also extremist people would be better at getting extremist people giving money to them. Still a nice feature that could be useful to see in action.
FWIW I miss the old notifications showing the air-drops. Maybe it shouldn't give you an alert, but when you click on the notifications bell I liked seeing the log of air drops over the past week...
It really is an impressive amount of sats being dropped! Especially with more and more jobs being posted. Fold free "daily spin" used to regularly give 50+ sats which has dwindled down to 5-10 per day. Lolli still decent 30-40ish sats but I use less frequently.
Airdrop feature was unnecessary imo at the beginning, since you are here to earn that money individually and punish those useless users. But now it feels good to have those sats, create a strong sense of community.
maybe just get rid of the alert? I wasn't a fan of the airdrop idea originally but now that it's implemented it's pretty cool and I think it's nice for users to really appreciate just how much they're actually getting back before it blends in with their stack.
The little notification square? That'd help somewhat, but if the user hasn't visited in 21+ days, all their notifications on the first page are still going to be the airdrop notification.
I see in the events logged under my /notifications when someone leaves a comment reply to one of my comments. Does that always cause the red notification square -- regardless if I earned sats from it?
Essentially, I only want to see the red notification square when there is something that might require my attention. Like a reply to my post, or a reply to my comment.
But the event messages in /notifications I always want to see everything. Even the daily airdrop. I know I can look in satistics to see it, but having every even right there in /notifications -- one click away is handy.
Maybe the settings should say "alert me when ..." instead? And thus events always get aa "notification" message, but the red square on the bell (notifications) only occurs when one or more events that I have marked (which all are marked, by default) occurs, thereby alerting me.
It appears that the site slowness mostly occurs if you're logged in. I think it's related to SSR and me synchronously fetching the logged in user (and their notification status) in the request.
Changing World Order is one of my favorite books, right behind Nik's "Layered Money". Ray presents a simple and logical explanation of nations losing their dominance on a global stage. My only critique is the final chapter where Ray intentionally is ambiguous about his viewpoints on the future. The ambiguity of the last chapter could have been omitted.
"When Money Does" is more of a narrative of individuals who were directly impacted by hyperinflation (e.g stories of breadlines developing, life savings being wiped out, etc). It's an interesting read and highlights actions that individuals take to preserve their wealth and wellbeing (some are successful, others are not).