I always try to NOT have an "opinion" on something I do not have enough information or still don't understand it enough. You can't have "opinion" on something you really don't know it, how it works, see it, test it etc.
Random opinions are always biased by "influencers" and manipulators, so called "marketing campaign" or simply sheep followers that immediately jump into the wagon of "if x support (or not) that thing, I will too". This is the result of decades or centuries of indoctrination in schools, people are not used anymore to think for themselves, with critical thinking and educate themselves.
People today simply, go to google and search a term. What is the first result must be good and I will follow it... The humanity is degraded to simply sheeple. Pathetic.
I take a different approach. I can develop an opinion on something almost immediately, but the strength of that opinion will grow as the information I am presented does so too.
I don't think there's anything wrong with forming opinions based on limited information, in fact we need to do exactly that in order to function effectively.
I don't know the inner workings of many things I rely on in every day life, but I know enough in most cases to make reasonable inferences. Some of those inferences will inevitably be incorrect, but it makes more sense to accept a few losses where I'm wrong about something, than to develop strong opinions about everything, which is time consuming.