Well to be honest Bitcoin ties into so much I can relate it to alot if not most of everything...granted its not everything, it helps alot and thats how I bring it up especially with the younger co workers those that are in college and not. I share with them how it is important to educate yourself on finances, and to preserve your wealth how they don't want to be stuck at some dead end job....sadly to say that's the majority of the people not all but alot...while some are fine with the current system, others that are not orange pilled see something they just don't know what...thats when I start to bring up why bitcoin fixes alot of this, and how it ties into buying your time back ,and how its fuck you money I really hit the points that hit me and usually hit the inner bitcoiner in all of us as sovereign individuals. It's all I feel I can do given I work with these people so they know I'm not BS and what works best is speak from the heart how its changed my life and how it continues to even offer help and do show them hands on if ever asked always happy to share this knowledge!!!! however like my favorite bitcoin piece the remnant speaks on you can talk to 1000s of people and maybe 1 will follow, but that 1 is a person that was supposed to hear the message they saw signal and were attracted by it....It's like in Miami just walking around would run into my best friends and had some of the best nights I believe its because signal was so high.....how many times does it have to happen to not be a coincidence???? Hope this helps!