How do you even start? everyone seems way too deep in the fiat race. Let alone mentioning the word Bitcoin gets people thinking about scams and all that.
the best way is to use the 4K Bitcoin Wallpapers I post on
  1. Just put one of these beautiful scenery wallpapers with the Bitcoin logo embedded in the Sun or the moon on your desktop
  2. Wait for a colleague to commence small talk about 'hey what's this wallpaper you got here?'
  3. Go Maxi Full Power on them
That's why I start writing bitcoin guides for those nocoiner normies friends in english and spanish so now they have no excuse to read
my advice: only bring it up if it naturally occurs in conversation. no one likes someone that is pushy
This. Also I never talk about how much I have.
Wait... you guys still have "fiat jobs" ?
haha working to change that
Move slowly, don't push. There will be some times you will see an opening. Maybe someone will complain about grocery prices rising. Say something like "is food more expensive or is the dollar worth less?" Leave it at that for that interaction. Slowly over the next few weeks, continue to ask questions that make them think. The slower you do it, the less repelled they will be when the "B-word" is finally mentioned.
Parker Lewis had a very good presentation about how to onboard nocoiners
The best one I did was on a dry erase board there at work someone left a marker said leave your best joke I put "The money in the bank is actually yours"
I think this is the right approach. So many people have their guard up, or have some “sophisticated” and sarcastic opinion about Bitcoin that they’re ready to deploy as their signal that they’re not like those people who are cult members or financially illiterate. But get them talking about a problem from first principles first, then look for an opening 👌
The other challenge I’ve encountered is that people have the “Bitcoin is old tech” fashionable opinion, and have heard that Etherium or Solana are faster or do more. My approach here is to ask them about the use cases here until you get them to see that permissionless uncensorable value is the innovation, then why only Bitcoin makes sense and is the safer bet.
How do you know they're not secretly stacking sats with their fiat and not telling anyone about it?
soooo I'm the crazy bitcoin roomate in my house....buddies gf will argue over anything...she's woke anyways...would always say how im lucky about bitcoin and not all of us could get so lucky and how I was wrong about all this finance stuff yada yada yada basically saying all the stuff from bitcoin community was wrong....come to find out one day buddy let it slip she started buying it....Awkward silence struck I wanted to talk so much shit......however just said Oh?!You started buying Bitcoin??!! Thats awesome keep it so weird they don't ever ask though and act like its not a thing still...I wonder if this is like majority of the people lol
Most bitcoiners I know CAN'T stop talking about it. Just keep memtoning it & they will hate you, but something will eventually click
I had a guy at my work who made so much from the 2018 spike that he left and started doing his own thing. He didn't say exactly that is was bitcoin that made enough, but we knew he was into it before the spike. And he was able to leave his job, we put it together. Super nice, humble guy. I didn't know enough to ask any real questions back then, but which I had.
Other people kind of talked of it as a get rich quick scheme. Or just some volatile internet fad. But, I think more now people are starting to think of it as some sort of valid financial mechanism of some kind.
But, more to your question, I don't really bring it up. But, if people talk about it, I always explain its utility as a means of transaction or easier storing value/money. If I need to send money somewhere quickly or store money safely, it's the best we got, especially if you are not allowed to use any other system or that system isn't working. It is much easier now to explain that use case after the Canada stuff this year. Folks can wrap their minds around it potentially being useful.
Thank you for this
i took a bitcoin financial product idea to the CTO, he liked it enough to consider how to bring it to the board.
i started a bitcoin only channel on the company slack
just be honest and humble, and don't sweat that people think of scams... help them think go world peace instead.
"just remember, lockheed martin doesn't sell bombs priced in bitcoin"
Well to be honest Bitcoin ties into so much I can relate it to alot if not most of everything...granted its not everything, it helps alot and thats how I bring it up especially with the younger co workers those that are in college and not. I share with them how it is important to educate yourself on finances, and to preserve your wealth how they don't want to be stuck at some dead end job....sadly to say that's the majority of the people not all but alot...while some are fine with the current system, others that are not orange pilled see something they just don't know what...thats when I start to bring up why bitcoin fixes alot of this, and how it ties into buying your time back ,and how its fuck you money I really hit the points that hit me and usually hit the inner bitcoiner in all of us as sovereign individuals. It's all I feel I can do given I work with these people so they know I'm not BS and what works best is speak from the heart how its changed my life and how it continues to even offer help and do show them hands on if ever asked always happy to share this knowledge!!!! however like my favorite bitcoin piece the remnant speaks on you can talk to 1000s of people and maybe 1 will follow, but that 1 is a person that was supposed to hear the message they saw signal and were attracted by it....It's like in Miami just walking around would run into my best friends and had some of the best nights I believe its because signal was so many times does it have to happen to not be a coincidence???? Hope this helps!
I just tell them that Fiat is fucked and to read a history book to learn more.
I work in Fintech and highlight instances where the current banking infrastructure sucks (for example: two business days for an ACH to clear).
A number of people have started investing in Bitcoin
i usually wear some bitcoin gear when i can, most people these days have heard about it, this lead to people asking me about it most times.
Plenty of nocoiners that I know don't automatically assume that Bitcoin is inherently scammy. I don't talk about it much in real life but I feel comfortable talking about it to people that I know well enough to be receptive when I talk to them about it. Sure they might not instantly jump onboard but they also don't instantly dismiss it. I've got a few friends to start dipping their toes in recently. Just start broaching the subject and go from there. The worst case is they just tell you no then you move on to another subject.