Fiat sucks and always will

10 years ago, I didn't know bitcoin existed. But I was fiercely convinced that we needed better money than fiat. Gold seemed to me to be the best option for uncorrupted money. I imagined that anyone with funds in gold would not be so easily robbed. In time, perhaps institutions will develop that will compete and allow better service using gold backed money. I wouldn't even think of speculating whether they are Juan, Dollar, Ruble or Peso. It is all fundamentally the same scam. While I don't know their monetary policy or history, in important parameters it's all the same.

Bitcoin is by far the best solution (at least for now)

Once I discovered bitcoin, it took me a few years to believe that it could actually become better money. Consequently, I switched to bitcoin as quickly as I could. If something comes along that I perceive as better than bitcoin, I will try to switch to it very quickly. But I don't currently see any project that even comes close to bitcoin fundamentally. Few are even trying to go in that direction.

Value your time

Until someone comes up with an original idea or execution or just whatever, it's a waste of time to wade through the altcoin garbage in my opinion. There are more than enough smart people wasting their potential like this. And I believe that if someone discovers something that makes sense, they'll be happy to talk about it.. similar to how I scream to the world that bitcoin is the rarest tradable commodity mankind has ever seen.
Until then, I'd rather devote my full attention to spreading and improving bitcoin. 🚀
Thank You, You're absolutely right. It took me years to understand what it is (and compared to the real pros I still may be living in the intellectual desert. But I understand it as the evolution of money in its literal definition. People will be crossing the bridge when they really need it. Patience is virtue. Greets
Thr trap is getting rich quick. I think that is why so many get distracted from knowledge. High time preference for a easy buck.
When you think about it most of us (I fell into the crypto trap too) didn't really get bitcoin when we were distracted by crypto. A few years in and I'm still learning. So it is really dumb that we thought there might be a better bitcoin. I mean you just have to look at the shit coins and their selling points to see how niave people are that are all in. They don't get bitcoin. They don't get fiat. They don't get incentives. They don't understand the State.
Its clear to me now but a few years ago I was right there with the shit coiners.
User has put everything he has into bitcoin
"Coincidentally" writes a short form essay preaching to a choir of people who have done the same, about how this was totally a good idea guys
Bitcoin reaches 1 quadrillion USD
Bitcoin unfortunately arrived at the same time as we saw a lot of silicon valley disruptors appear. MySpace being supplanted by Facebook etc.
Which meant this was the most readily available lens many (including myself) used to assess bitcoin.
It's a completely fallacious heuristic to apply, but it was an easy mental trap to fall into
Reminder that since 2020 banks don't need to have any reserves:
As announced on March 15, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020. This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.
Woah! How did I not know about this.
It's not something they want everyone to know
Fiat delenda est
I don't think anything like bitcoin (another cryptocurrency) will ever beat bitcoin. It will take some entirely new tech we can't imagine yet, like some quantum thing. Thinking some shitcoin will dethrone bitcoin is like thinking another metal could dethrone gold. No, it took an entirely new tech (bitcoin) to accomplish that.
Bitcoin is the discovery of true scarcity. That can only be discovered once.
Combine that with Bitcoin's immaculate conception and network effects and you've got the closest thing to perfect money humans have ever known.
Same thinking, Amen
Bitcoin wins when you can convince your enemies to use it...
it's a waste of time to wade through the altcoin garbage in my opinion.
Not only in your opinion... In opinion of Bank for International Settlements as well:
"Fragmentation means that crypto cannot fulfil the social role of money. Ultimately, money is a coordination device that facilitates economic exchange. It can only do so if there are network effects: as more users use one type of money, it becomes more attractive for others to use it."
I got there through a lot of trail and error but eventually reached the same conclusion, which is why I don't get upset with fiat maxis and shitcoiners, they need to get there eventually and the longer they deny it the more of their value I get to front run, when you're on a bitcoin standard, everyone in the world is wokring hard to make everything around you cheaper
Until the day comes where BTC does not require the fiat on/off ramps and everyday people accept BTC for their products, services, or labor, BTC won't be useful for the everyday person.
Its fiat vs BTC and the entities controlling fiat won't go down without a fight.
Remember in 1933 the US government made it illegal for individuals to own gold. It wouldn't be unreasonable to see the same happen to BTC. The Fed is a Banking Cartel.
deleted by author
Me neither. But shit happens.
Shit doesn’t happen to basic math
It's not math. It's human consensus. The fact that shitcoins exist at all makes this clear. And human consensus is complicated.
Math defines bitcoins supply and functions.
Market demands sound digital money.
If humans don’t use it then too bad. 1btc = 1btc
Did you foresee the emergence of bitcoin?
Not relevant