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Will you post three more low effort threads today?
or am I thinking of yesterday?
or the day before that?
or the day before that?
or the day before that?
or the day before that?
Some people actually put effort into their posts and you just come on here and kinda spam the place with some bullshit simpleton question to spark some engagement and farm sats.
it's lazy as fuck, spamming the board with quantity instead of quality. Your account is a great example for why posting should become increasingly expensive throughout the week/month. The day long timer clearly is broken enough to allow you to 53 different threads in the past month alone.
maybe consider doing a bit more than asking GPT 3.5 "what should I ask some bitcoiners today?"
like fuck... here let me do all your thinking for you for the next two and a half days or so
1.) What hardware device do you prefer?
2.) Did you DCA today? why or why not?
3.) Would you rather ride a bike or scooter?
4.) What's your favorite orange pill technique?
5.) What's your favorite bitcoin quote?
6.) Do you think Satoshi Nakamoto likes Bitcoin?
7.) What has bitcoin changed about you?
8.) POLL: Do you have bitcoin?
9.) What's your favorite question to ask?
10.) Name your top 5 Sandwiches. Have you bought any of them with Bitcoin?
you did read it, you're just ignoring the fact that you're a lazy spam fuck posting nothing thrwads
maybe the value is in what others have to say, not me!
As someone who might know, getting thicccccc threads like this is way harder than it looks and @birdeye21 is the GOAT.
You have to figure out what other people have to say, aren't saying, and then get them to say it. It requires a unique level of empathy. We struggled to get people talking like this for a long time and birdeye just showed up one day and did it like it was nothing.
1111 sats \ 1 reply \ @nemo 1 Sep 2023
deleted by author
missed all these until now, appreciate u both k00b and nemo
i truthfully just wanted a new outlet to spew my bitcoin/life thoughts, twitter wasnt really working for me
stumbled across SN and felt instantly refreshed by the people here
I straight roll thoughts off the dome, sometimes theyre stupider than others and i apologize for that, but i love hearing what the other plebs without influencer presences have to say, it's mostly way higher signal than anything i see from "big" accounts
Lol a bit harsh