I have to ask, though, why you were asking the same questions at the end of last year and getting the same answers: #106616
Thank you, i appreciate the help. But I don’t think this is the same question. I do see the relation between the two. But my previous question was about a recommendation on a mining rig. This question was more a curiosity as to the effect that the halving would have on the performance of the network. While the answers may have been similar, the questions are quite different. I do appreciate your help. I hav purchased a copy of the bitcoin standard, and hope to find more answers there.
No, I was talking about this question:
Please forgive my ignorance, but what is this halving event that will occur in a little over a year?
No big deal. Just wondering. This site has gotten hit with so many bots and trolls lately I'm getting too suspicious.
I see, thank you for clarifying. This was a little earlier in my journey, where I was asking “what the halving is”. Today I was wondering about the effect the halving might have on the network. I appreciate your vigilance though. Bots clog up good spaces and are much too prevalent these days, so I don’t blame you for being suspicious. But i’m just a noob tryna learn more about Bitcoin:)