I launched a Bitcoin-centric twice-weekly newsletter four months ago that is already self-funding its own growth. I wanted to give back to the community and promote further adoption. However, I've found it particularly difficult to persuade certain bitcoiners, precoiners and nocoiners alike to 'share their email address'.
As a security-conscious bitcoiner myself, I completely understand the concern. That's why I keep recommending the following tools to help maintain privacy while still securely receiving emails in one's primary inbox: SimpleLogin, Addy and Kill the Newsletter!.
Despite my efforts, these suggestions do not seem to convince. Sh!tcoin rags like Milk Road boast millions of readers, and there is no true Bitcoin Maximalist competitor to counterbalance their degeneracy at that level. This needs to change.
Contrary to the claims of some, the email address/newsletter model isn't going to disappear anytime soon. It will likely remain the backbone of the so-called creator economy for quite some time. I believe that this does not necessarily have to preclude the disintermediation driven by Bitcoin tech.
Can you please suggest any other methods or tools (preferably with Bitcoin as base layer) similar to those mentioned above, that I can propose to potential subscribers?