I was having a chat with @nout on nostr about ads and it led to us discussing what problem ads solve and whether that problem continues to exist in the future.
I tend to think product discovery and product information services will always be inadequate given improvements come with expensive tradeoffs (eg loss of privacy).
Does bitcoin fix ads by getting rid of them or does bitcoin just change them in some other way? What's your experience with ads? Love 'em? Hate 'em?
One thing that currently feels different on Nostr compared to other "classic" networks is that spam is not yet normalized as "ads". I still see some spam on Nostr (on the bottom of replies usually), but it's clear that it's spam. It's not somehow sneakily sorted on top, looking like a real content. It's very much clear that it's a spam or scam.
If you show me ads, then I think me (and the community) should directly benefit. I'm interested in seeing if the SN model works out (ads on SN put sats into daily rewards budget and that gets split to the most value providing users every day), or if there are different models that would make sense here?
Ads are just information paying for attention.
It's a lot like finance - an essential economic service perverted by middlemen.
I don't know how ads should ideally work, and I view ads on SN as an adjunct experiment, but I'm bullish on p2p ads as a concept.
(I also just spent the weekend chatting with someone considering whether to pursue a bitcoin ad startup.)
It seems that there are two phases to process of getting a product, when we idealize it for customer.
One is new product discovery. This is where you find out about a product you may want without you being aware that there's one. What if there's a honest service for the best product discovery? Impossible?
And second one is the informed decision. This is where you learn enough of truthful information or recommendation to make informed decision whether to get that product. What if there's a honest service/network for truthful information and recommendation? Impossible?
If we would have these two (maybe) impossible services, would there still be a space for ads? Or would the businesses rather spend the money on building a better product?
If you take the limit of product discovery/info services to infinity, I think you're right, there isn't a need for earnest ads.
Yeah, that's a good summarization. If we take the limit of product discovery/info services to infinity, then ads are there to only try bending the reality and hence ads become very undesirable.
Now the question is how far can we get with honest (decentralized? federated?...) product discovery/info and my guess is that we can get further than we are currently.
Further for sure. At what cost per unit of ideal product discovery/info idk, but the cost probably increases exponentially per unit ... and at least one cost is privacy.
We all hate antagonistic experiences, like Mortal Combat combos of pop-ups, flashing banner ads, and abusive javascript practices. What's worse are antagonistic experiences that promise to make it all go away if victims pay a fixed amount. The term for this is extortion—the protection racket kind. This is the state of play. Ok, maybe that's way too dramatic. But In my opinion, this behavior is acceptable when there's etiquette and not coercion, just ask, if you're providing value most will say yes, you know what I mean?
We don't know all the innovation a lightning model will bring to advertising, but I feel it fits perfectly into the coming techno-cultural change, where you have Ai supercharging FOSS, decentralized hard money, and this sort of deflationary bare metal essence. 🤷‍♂️
If you can have a business model without ads more power to you, but if you have a social/UGC platform, its basically baked in at this point, unless you have some sort of subscription like an OF or a patreon kinda vibe but that's its own niche and both those platforms rely on massive shilling from their user base so you just externalizing the ads rather than having your own internal ad space
If you don't have an ad space, the content quickly becomes ads, anyone that can get x amount of attention and traffic will figure out how to sell it on a secondary market. While ads won't stop it, it provides a baseline price for attention in a network and then brands can gauge the value UGC disguised as ads are really worth or how much CPC they're willing to part with for possible leads
I don't think Bitcoin fixes ads, but it could make bidding for them cheaper and make it easier to move capital around, if you're committing capital to let's say a google product but you over-allocated you can't exactly move it to meta to get a cheaper CPC you stuck in their ecosystem, which is often rigged with a bs floor price they decide and its not really a market price, if no one is bidding for your eyeball why should I pay a floor price, that's nonsense
I do think Bitcoin can help platforms and creators get paid faster and keep more of the revenue, which will help improve sites and the quality of content
The concern with Bitcoin ads is also how do you reduce click fraud if payments are instant, fiat ad networks, do an audit before they release funds, not that they get it right, click fraud is still a major problem
My take is that ads aren't going away but they will change. When you can monotize products directly there will be less available ad space. Some of the status quo with ads is due to the culture of "free". If that culture changes that will greatly decrease ad supported products.
I think the perception of ads might go back to being valuable rather than spammy once ads stop being spammy and cheap.
Slice gives you Sats for viewing ads. I think that's one model that's being explored right now which I believe is a viable alternative to what ads are now.
Everything is opt-in and you get compensated for your time and attention.
Slice doesn't give you sats.
They pay you in slices, which you then might or might not be able to convert to sats, given some constraints.
Try to withdraw your "sats"
From their FAQ:
To earn a Slice, an ad must have been fully visible on the screen. It may take some seconds until your Slices show up in the extension. Furthermore, if we detect abusive behavior, like you trying to view ads at unrealistic rates, we will stop counting Slices and may limit your account.
Slices are not cryptocurrency. They are simply our in-app currency that you can exchange for real money.
Attention is the most valuable thing you have as a person.
Yet, it is usually given away for free or very small amounts of money.
Tech giants will try every trick on the book to get to your attention. This means ads will continue to evolve, forever.
One thing some people might not realize is that anything with a "feed", like YouTube recommendations, TikTok, facebook, linkedin, etc, etc, is basically a form of ad.
Someone paid those companies to push their specific content to you.
What makes you say that feeds are a form of an ad? They definitely contain ads but I was under the impression the other stuff was just things they think you want to see
"Normal" ads are usually simply tagged as such.
Feed "ads" are a bit more complex, because it's on the content creation side.
Basically, imagine someone wants a specific political candidate to win an election. Instead of making an ad, they would create a profile of the user watching YouTube (or whatever), and create a content specifically targeted for them. This will probably show up in the feed because the algorithm thinks it might be of interest of him.
That way, you create an ad on the feed without it being exactly an ad.
It gets a bit more complicated, but that's the basics of it.
I see what you mean. Marketing that’s pretending to be content
Exactly that.
And fine tuned to each person's feed.
As a business owner, importer, exporter, wholesaler, tiny manufacturer I want exposure but please take your time on this, ad's are tough they can really pull away from the original vibe.
I think there's enough opportunity to commicate on SN with quality posting more focused on professional approaches using Nostr, Lightning, Onchain, as a B2B. Ad's becareful.
Aloha, Rich
For sure a vibe killer
No, because sponsorships aren't going anywhere.
Yes, they will be, shortly
What replaces them?
Sorry, my response more to the initial question than your comments below it - such ads need to exist for a meat space project I need to kick off and since noone's built exactly what I need, I've got little choice but to learn, experiment and build exactly what I need myself :/
About that bitcoin ad startup, here is an MVP:
A sats faucet that you can fill with lightning that allows you to put text on it(ad):
Yep facets are the earliest form of ads that pay you Bitcoin. Bots tho.
When all people around the world accept #bitcoin as transfer of value (money) imagine how much 1 sats will be 😳 it's gone a be wild 🫂🤘
When you have to transfer money internationally Bitcoin really is the simplest and easiest way to do it.
It's just that people are not exposed to it yet at the mainstream level. They only but it and keep it on an exchange.
Just realized my type pay-to-consume paid-to-consume or consume-to-earn.