If you can have a business model without ads more power to you, but if you have a social/UGC platform, its basically baked in at this point, unless you have some sort of subscription like an OF or a patreon kinda vibe but that's its own niche and both those platforms rely on massive shilling from their user base so you just externalizing the ads rather than having your own internal ad space
If you don't have an ad space, the content quickly becomes ads, anyone that can get x amount of attention and traffic will figure out how to sell it on a secondary market. While ads won't stop it, it provides a baseline price for attention in a network and then brands can gauge the value UGC disguised as ads are really worth or how much CPC they're willing to part with for possible leads
I don't think Bitcoin fixes ads, but it could make bidding for them cheaper and make it easier to move capital around, if you're committing capital to let's say a google product but you over-allocated you can't exactly move it to meta to get a cheaper CPC you stuck in their ecosystem, which is often rigged with a bs floor price they decide and its not really a market price, if no one is bidding for your eyeball why should I pay a floor price, that's nonsense
I do think Bitcoin can help platforms and creators get paid faster and keep more of the revenue, which will help improve sites and the quality of content
The concern with Bitcoin ads is also how do you reduce click fraud if payments are instant, fiat ad networks, do an audit before they release funds, not that they get it right, click fraud is still a major problem