The wallets created pre-mnemonic times (BIP39) have to be saved with private keys directly. So I suppose that what you have as backup is your private key, not a seed.
So open Electrum and just paste/type the whole private key you have. If is not completed, then you can say goodbye to those BTC. You will need maybe hundreds of years to guess the missing characters.
Your umbrel is useless to recover this old wallet / private key. Umbrel is a LND aezeed wallet and will not recover that old privkey.
Thanks, I thought it could help speed up the process if the number were slightly wrong.
This is the address: 1DYFqhdKDkHYytVn66QWKGY4PUebNYH9j9
Good luck recovering it! I wish I would have participated in that bitcoin faucet. If you can't recover it, thank you for your donation towards reducing known supply of bitcoin.
I was there too. I still have the BTC from that faucet (but moved to a segwit/taproot new address after the BCH fork). But I never lost any control of any wallet, ever.
Those were the days. I like reading about Bitcoin history.