Thanks for all the feedback this is really helpful!

When funding the Fountain wallet, could you add a button to open another wallet on the same phone? (currently it's annoying to copypaste the invoice)
Yes we should do this - will prioritise.

Is there a way to mark episode as "played"? E.g. I have watched that episode on youtube... do I have to "delete" it?
No right now episodes are split into "Saved" which are on your device and "Episodes" which are all episodes from the RSS feed. We might change this though and just have a list of episodes with more filters such as saved / played etc.

On the homepage with the "popular clips" section I wanted to see more of those... and it was not intuitive that I have to click on the magnifier and even then - how can I see more than 3 clips? I want moar!!
Yes the home page needs a lot of improving - will have more to share soon!

Is there a way to boost sats to clips? That would be cool (either to author of the clip or the podcaster)
Not yet but we're thinking about this!

Since I now have and I'm thinking that soon we will need some personal address book for those :) @Alby, what about adding address book to the extension?
Yes I think people will have more and more Lightning Addresses. Ideally at some point everyone just has 1 or 2 and you'd be able to login to different services with your preferred address - e.g. login to Fountain with Stacker News.
Thank you for the replies a d clarifications. One more thing - is there a way to see boostagrams? The BOOST button shows some number, but I don't know how to get to it?
Yes this is not clear - just click on the image to go to the episode page and view the boosts - you can also access in the three dot menu.
Oh I see! Yeah, it would be (imo) great if there would be access point from the boost dialog :)