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Well, the only subs are bitcoin and stacker.news related, and it's all filled to the brim with bitcoin maximalists (I love bitcoin, don't burn me I'm not a witch), and it gets old REALLY fast.
Here's a suggestion, add a r/PoliticalCompassMemes sub. Add the ability to make subs! You can only read "Here's why BTC is going to REVOLUTIONIZE [INDUSTRY XYZ] and I'm SURE OF IT" with a billion upzaps at most 5 times before you get bored.
I've also said this before, but it's sort of lame that it's so opaque how the zaps work. If I zap something once, that counts as an upvote. If I zap it again, it doesn't count as 2 upvotes. How do I downvote? By clicking the three dots and choosing "flag" (which means something completely different in most social networks).
Yep, said that before too. SN is seen (for a reason) as yet another cryptic maximalist den. A good 90% of post are either news-reposts that most bitcoiners have already seen in their RSS feed reader, or complete garbage. UX is bad and internal mechanisms unclear. Nothing is done to make this place more open and able to reach a wide audience.
I suggested months ago to open the subs to any subjects and to anyone, with attached incentives (owners/curators of the subs get part of the zaps). That would create a new economy and motivate people to create interesting/relevant/living subs. And that could transform SN into a new kind of Reddit with a real monetization scheme and a huge potential.
But people in here have zero ambition and lack any form of vision for the future of this site. They are just happy with their tiny pseudo-community of BTC maxis, comforting them in their fake reality ("shitcoins everywhere!", "million dollar BTC after halving!"). They worship their DarthGod (looooool) with his 2 cents memes and absurd attitude. Fuck, AI-generated articles summaries were forbidden in here just because the guy declared that "AI is evil". How fucking stupid.
Anyway, obv SN is slowly but surely dying this way. A bit sad but, as we know, you cannot force a donkey to drink...
Can I ask why you think the UX is bad? I really like it and am a web developer, so I'm wondering what you think is lacking?
I completely agree with you about the very silly (micro)celebrity-worship of @darthcoin, but celebrity worship isn't a toy you can take away from internet people :)
(and PS: darthcoin seems alright to me, I just haven't seen any deep thought or nuanced opinion from him. He for instance says that COVID did not exist at all. I have a sister who is a surgeon and who got it, and it made her lose her sense of taste for months. My brother works in elderly care and saw a HUGE uptick in deaths. It did exist. no offense darth, you just seem to appeal to the same type of worshippers who latch on to pewdiepie, I don't understand it, but I wish you well)
I hope SN doesn't die, but not to worry, it is only a front of the new Nostr ZAP based web. We're the first in the wild west of this new land :)
SN UX may be OK for geeks and tech-savvy people, but bring some "normal people" in here (say, your mother) and see what happens...
Darth is undoubtedly an expert on Lightning and has strong knowledge on the technicalities of Bitcoin. No problem to admit that. But it doesn't imply that he understands Bitcoin. And he has such simplistic views and ridiculous postures on any other subject... Just because you're an excellent plumber doesn't mean you can build a house, and even less that you understand urbanism.
(I lost my father to Covid, and my partner lost her father AND sister from Covid, so imagine how much I value and respect people denying the reality of it...)
Fuck. That sucks about your father and other relatives. Nothing I can say to help in any way, though my instinct tells me to try. When I think about death, I think about a quote from Epicurus (paraphrased by Norm MacDonald)
"Why should I fear death? While I am here; death is not. While death is here; I am not. Why should I fear death? We will never intersect."
I know that doesn't help. Have a big zap (is that SN lingo for big hug?).
Thanks, bud, not necessary but I appreciate. Never really feared death either, but it's when it strikes others that it really sucks. We are never prepared for this, never...
Well, DarthCoin has been building his citadel, so...
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ LOL do you think I was the cause? Will be back 100% soon.
don't know if you were the cause... but we missed you. πŸ˜…
Is it true we will get a look inside the citadel? I keep thinking about it.
You're the star of the show as far as I'm concerned, Darth. Cheers!
Zooming out though, it seems like there's been a steady increase in users since the site's inception:
Buy the dip. That's a big spike in July 2022
Traffic isn't everything, you're dealing with a pretty niche audience, if tomorrow SN said hey airdrop we releasing a token, post to qualify you'd see a horde of people flocking in to spam the site lol
I do think the tech sub needs a lot more love though, plenty of opportunity to expand that one with different topics
Indeed! Tech sub is mostly unseen
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 30 Aug 2023
No worries, everyone is on holidays. I will pick again in September when everyone go back to slavery work
I think we need more subs, the content is imo beginning to look more and more like an echo-chamber
Summer lull. SN shooting for ATHs in the fall.
It’s nice that the second most viewed page is recent. Folks are screening new content!
Probably not, summer always (with some rare exceptions) sees declined visits/readership for most sites on the web