The welfare state, the police state all allow women to exist without men, and this is all payed for by unsound money,
You're making a big stretch here.
Women having the same rights as men is a good thing.
And it has nothing to do with money or how big the government is. You're making a big stretch here because you want to recruit legitimate demands of Bitcoiners for your illegitimate misogynistic agenda.
If you fixed the money tomorrow, for instance, if the whole world was based on Bitcoin and not money printing , but the state kept enforcing and subsidizing women
Women vote for and use the most welfare of any sex.
Jesus Christ. Your mental gymnastics for blaming big government on women is embarrassing.
Trends or correlations in data don't mean causality. You'll also find these trends in voting in geographical location, in age or in household income. None of these trends are the sole culprit.
Not once did you say anything that proved or attempted to prove the opposite of what i said.
You made statements, opinions and objections.
Show me a single place with modern feminism that has replacement or greater than replacement birth levels.
Take your time, I'll wait.
What are you even talking about. Women don't owe you a birthrate. That's actually an insane attitude to have.
  1. False burden of proof: Provide evidence for your claim that feminism was the culprit for falling birthrates first.
  2. Irrelevant: Even if feminism was to blame, women still don't owe you a birthrate
Actually, Idk why I'm even bothering here. You're life will be miserable with that attitude. I don't have to give a shit here because real life out there will find real world consequences just on its own.
Asks for proof we live in a feminist hellscape that will soon run out of money
Says reality will punish me for having an anti-feminist attitude.
You just proved my point for me.
I already proved feminism leads to lower birthrates. In every culture without feminism, the birthrates are ABOVE replacement levels.
Wow, I hadn't properly read everything. I agree with the part I replied too, much less with blaming everything on women.
ironic a south korean commenting this, you see a lot of females serving next to you in mandatory conscription ?
If you are both equal, why do they get special treatment in every domain of society. Why do they get vote ? Why do they get to have all this, not serve in the military AND not have kids, meaning sK is simply going to be replaced one day.
Women vote for more and more privileges that must be payed for and supported by men.
Do not speak of which you do not know.
Equal rights for women is not categorically “a good thing” if it leads to self-genocide.
Is your account called clownworld because dis u?