Not once did you say anything that proved or attempted to prove the opposite of what i said.
You made statements, opinions and objections.
Show me a single place with modern feminism that has replacement or greater than replacement birth levels.
Take your time, I'll wait.
What are you even talking about. Women don't owe you a birthrate. That's actually an insane attitude to have.
  1. False burden of proof: Provide evidence for your claim that feminism was the culprit for falling birthrates first.
  2. Irrelevant: Even if feminism was to blame, women still don't owe you a birthrate
Actually, Idk why I'm even bothering here. You're life will be miserable with that attitude. I don't have to give a shit here because real life out there will find real world consequences just on its own.
Asks for proof we live in a feminist hellscape that will soon run out of money
Says reality will punish me for having an anti-feminist attitude.
You just proved my point for me.
I already proved feminism leads to lower birthrates. In every culture without feminism, the birthrates are ABOVE replacement levels.