2025? Not far away from what we have today. Developing new features is not so easy/fast and most of wallet apps UX depends mostly on base code to evolve.
I consider UX for wallets not an important thing, right now. We are far away from mass adoption. Many people still have no fucking clue what is Bitcoin, nor using it... LN is just a small 4 years baby. Is not even going to school.
Do you really think that these so called people will bother for LN UX? I really doubt it.
Developing new features is not so easy/fast and most of wallet apps UX depends mostly on base code to evolve.
  • This is why I argued that LSPs will take a larger role in the future. For example, LDK is working on Async payments, but that will take time. In the meantime, LSPs could work on ways to accept payments for offline users.
I consider UX for wallets not an important thing, right now. We are far away from mass adoption. Many people still have no fucking clue what is Bitcoin, nor using it...
  • IMO the ideal state is that folks use Lightning wallets and there's no/few mention of Lightning or even bitcoin, they just send payments as they would in other apps. But that means that prioritizing UX is paramount, because from what I can tell, it's not going to be easy to educate newcoiners on how lightning works. Better to give them a good experience.
People like sleek experiences, well-designed apps, and not being bashed over the head with educational content 😂 🤷
Please show me you convince these people to use any Bitcoin wallet app you want...
People are really retarded nowadays.
Haha I see your point man! Mine is that we need to be clever insofar as that relates to "hiding" Lightning/Bitcoin stuff from newbies.
For example, I think CashApp does a really good job with this already!
Strike as well. I can have USD balance on my account and pay a Lightning invoice direct from that. They handle the BTC purchase on the back end. I see a lot of CashApp terminals. I would love to be able to choose to pay in BTC there and the business could decide if they wanted to keep the BTC or convert it to USD right away.