Yep finer grain control might help
As we're not using a regular app, I guess there wasn't any chance that a few users could have volunteered as 'beta' testers.
However, could have a few volunteers have been given the ability to subscribe, and give feedback, before rolling it out to everyone?
IMO given that it’s opt-in, and you can opt out, I don’t see harm in rolling it out to everyone and iterating based on feedback. If it applied across the board and you couldn’t not use it, that might be a different story
Exactly. Ain't that big a deal
Do you really want to wait several months for us to test features before you get to try them?
No. Let it out in the wild and kill it if you have to,
Hell no. We get to mess around and complain.
Jeff Bezos has a line. It's something like, "the speed in which you make a decision should be based on how permanent the result is."
Most the things we do these days is easily reversed so we ship it once its good enough.
Good strategy. I had a business partner once who used to like to use the phrase "you need a think tank but I just need a do tank"
Although I can't help but think Bezos as Dr. Evil with his little finger to his mouth...
I think that's 'neat and groovy' man!
Well, it only took a couple of minutes for me to use it, for my chin to hit the floor and to formulate feedback.
I did wonder if it was just me for a bit though...