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Because Siggy is old and old people say shit like that. Haha sorry Sig.
Exactly! I was thinking of starting an old man expression thread.
That would be pretty fun. I have a few that I use passed down over the generations in the family and my kids look at me like I am completely nuts.
My daughter and her friends make fun of me, but now they use a few.
My little one has taken to saying "oh biscuits" when something goes wrong. I have no idea where she picked it up from. Maybe my mom or a show, but it's pretty funny.
I WISH that was what my daughter used to say. Actually we watched what we said and everything was okay until she went to school.
She has also taken to saying "what the heck" when surprised by something. Pretty sure that one came from her brother but I will let it pass.
On another note. My wife liked your satsraiser post so much that she wants to create her own Geyser project now. There is a church in Africa (outside of Nigeria) that she likes to support- some affiliation with our local church when we lived in Toronto. I was unaware of this, but apparently she has been sending them food donations over the past few years but it is very expensive and needs to be done through international visa gift cards. Anyways, I suggested she try and raise some sats on geyser and see if the org that gets the food to them will take bitcoin and if not we can use the sats to buy Visa gift cards through the Bitcoin company. So we will probably give it a shot next week when she is off work. She usually works fri-mon.