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I saw someone post on twitter that once Bitcoin surpasses gold's market cap gold medals should become 2nd place prizes and replaced by a Bitcoin medal for first. Not sure how that would work but it was kind of a silly post, so right up my alley.
Anyways, it had me thinking about all these Olympians competing for a hardware wallet with 1BTC on it and the disappointed second place finisher getting a gold medal. Haha.
It's 20 years in the future and Bitcoin is the top prize for athletes at the Olympics, shill me the Olympic sport/event you don't normally follow but can't wait to see who captures the Corn in.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
I worked the '18 Olympics/Paralympics which was an awesome experience...gotta be that curling corn
That's awesome. Are you from South Korea?
Born there but was my first time visiting, really my first time traveling pretty much, don't speak a lick of Korean...was an insane time
That's awesome. One of my closest friends is Korean. He came to Canada a year after the Seoul Olympics in 88. He wanted to go back for the 18 Olympics but it didn't really work out as he was working a contract job at the time and wasn't able to get away for a month.
Hopefully he makes it back soon anyway, I'm dying to go back
I think when his current contract job ends he is planning to go for a few months back to Korea and also visit Japan at during the trip.
Nothing like target shooting and cross country skiing all in one. The breadth of human ingenuity is limitless.