When I started to learn about energy I really didn't think much about supply, demand, and storage but the more I learn and talk to people in the space the more I think Bitcoin mining eventually comes the standard in the energy sector.
If you've got massive capex and you're trying to maximise profits on it and your competitor isn't he is going to get rekt because you have a lower cost basis, so either you capitulate and mine or you die and get bought out and the miners are added eventually
I'm also bullish on it being a great way to bootstrap new energy sources and then getting outcompeted for more value added stuff later
Zero hedge sure as a lot of readers with Bitcoin Derangement syndrome and very heavy gold and silver bags lol
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Normies and closet bitcoiners always feel they need to caveat their support of Bitcoin.
Yep. Most people are not comfortable being nonconformist.
Missed this one. Thanks for sharing.
ZH comment section always so crispy
Top comment:
Nobody uses the term "bitcoin-lining." It's because bitcoin has zero value, only a price determined by the greater fool.
Checkmate laser-eyes.
Iā€™m so shook rn whole life is a lie
From the article:
Now we not only need to undo all of the damage to public understanding that has been inflicted upon oil & gas, but we also need to explain how important hydrocarbons are to the production of renewables, and why a shortage in black gold is bad for everybody and has significant impacts on all forms of energy generation. Which it seems we are approaching more rapidly than we want to admit.
šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ very well said! DRILL BABY DRILL
Not financial advice but if you want a leveraged fiat play it could do you justice to buy bitcoin mining stocks as well. If mining and the building out of new energy production this could be a massive opportunity for growth. Thing is it might take 10-20 years for it to develop.